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Blood slid down Garu's forehead and chin as he was hit by a katana hilt. He gasped and blinked frantically, one of his hands was clutching the side of his head while the other clenched the dirt between his fingers. All he could hear was ringing.

The ringing.... oh the ringing....

Before he could get he ringing to end he was picked up by his collar and punched in the jaw.
The boy was sent back into the dust with a heavy grunt and now laid there on his side glaring up at the figure above him.

"Poor Garu. This sad good for nothung ninja is all alone once again."

Tobe's voice said with a crinkle under his eyes. Garu snered and spat at Tobe's boots making the older ninja smile all the more. 

"Pathetic. Utterly, pathetic. My rival was nothing more then a love sick child. His weakness was simply under my nose."

Garu did not reply but simply watched with tired lids as Tobe grinned and folded his arms over his chest. Tobe's chatter meant nothing to him.

"Still staying quite ay? Well, we'll just have to see to that."

Tobe looked too his left and jerked his chin with a cruel gaze.

"Get the girl."

Garu felt the rage build once more and then he was shooting up and hitting Tobe square in the gut earning Garu a satisfying groan. Tobe flashed out a fist that Garu dodged but was not fast enough as Tobe's hand grabbed Garu by his pigtails. Before Garu could fight out of the hold Tobe had his blade held against Garu's throat.

"Be still."

Is all Tobe said. Garu's face was battered and bruised, two ribs where broken, and he was slowly losing the grip to stay conscious. In a situation like he was be as icy and cool as ever but now his fist shook as he beheld the girl.

One of Tobe's men held a limp Pucca in his grasp. Her buns where wild and falling and framing her pale face. Her clothes looked muddy like she had ran and tripped. 

Then Garu weeped. At first it was a slow trick but slowly his whole body trembled as fat tears rolled down his cheeks and chin.

"Let Pucca go."

His voice sounded loud and soft all at once. It was choked around a sob but oh so odd was it to hear. The life of Pucca and his broken vow sank down deep into his soul like a blade tearing through tissue. His goals of being an honorable ninja, respected, loved, and a better person all came crashing down in the one instant.

Looking at Pucca as she laid dead in the enemy's arms, he realized that all his dreams had died with Pucca and soon he would die being everything he didn't want to be. Broken.

(Hahaha sad fic)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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