kiss me!

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Garu growled and stomped down the path towards his home. All he wanted to do was pick up some noodles then head home. But then she showed up.

As soon as Pucca saw him she giggled and pointed to her lips asking for a...well he would not give it to her!

Garu's face flushed at the memory and he gritted his teeth.
Why do girls have to be so lovey-dovey? It's not like he acts like he wants to be
Garu, still reeling from his embarrassment, didn't notice as two arms suddenly wrapped around his middle.

The sudden realization made Garu yelp as he tumbled onto the ground. His attacker started to giggle and hug closer. It was Pucca!

Garu had had enough! He turned around and sat up crisscrossed. If she wanted a kiss so bad then fine!

Pucca grinned up at Garu as she no doubt enjoyed his jumpy nature causing Garu to grin right back.

He kissed her forhead and like he prodicted that stupid, cute smirk was wiped clean from her stupidly pretty face.

Before Pucca could react, Garu picked himself up and flew down to his house leaving a dumbfounded Pucca sitting in the dust.

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