His smile

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Whenever the corners of his mouth would rase into a smile, it never seized to make Pucca's heart pound. It wasn't often that he smiled, but when he truly smiled it was the sweetest of gestures.
The way his onyx eyes would shine with happiness for just a small moment and his cheeks would flush a happy pink.
It was hard to find this part of Garu locked away, but when he appeared, it showed what he could be.
Pucca knew from the start what kind of person he is. A lost boy in searching for a place to call his own. Always concerned about how others saw him and obsessed with honor and glory.
He is eager to show what he was made off and quick to climb his ranks as a ninja.
So, when he smiled it was a treat. A true treat to everyone around him. Pucca's lips tugged into a grin as she peered at Garu and Abyo chatting. She giggled and turned away from them.

Yeah, she was happy to see him smile.

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