Surprise kiss

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Pucca sighed as she finished folding the last of the cloths. It was early this morning when she decided to get up and start on her choirs around the house. Garu had been gone to do his usual reading of the paper and picking up on any jobs indeed of a ninja. So when Pucca woke she was meet with an empty side of the bed and a chance to do laundry. On the weekends she and her husband would stay in bed a little longer then start the day.
Pucca smiled as she put the clothes away. Hopefully, her hubby would still be here once she finished. Pucca turned around from the closet and was met with a hard chest. Pucca squeaked in surprise as Garu looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.
His arms chained around her waist as he pulled her close. Pucca cleared her throat as she laid her hands on her chest and looked up at him.
Suddenly Garu grinned and bent down capturing her lips in a rough kiss. Surprised Pucca fell back a bit but Garu was there to help. He cheekily backed her up towards the bed as his lips traveled to her slender neck as he teasingly nipped.
Pucca gasped as Garu had her on the bed underneath him.
Garu lazily cupped her waist and came back to her lips as he bit her bottom lip drawing a small noise from her throat. Pucca squirmed and twisted her head from his as her hands covered her flushed face.
Garu chuckled darkly and kissed her forehead before slipping off his wife as he walked out of the room in a cat-like fashion.
Pucca blinked at his retreating form and blushed madly. Why did he have to do that! Pucca covered her face in embarrassment from the surprise kiss.

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