Snuggle time UwU

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Pucca was asleep Garu though as he looked at her still form in front of him. Her arms were tucked in front of her chest and her cheek was pressed into the pillow with her slow breathing.

His face turned red as he realized how cute she was making him clamp a hand over his mouth to stifle a small grunt.

No no! Garu thought as he then crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes silently hoping to go to sleep quicker.

Then he heard a light sigh as Pucca shifted making Garu's curious eyes open. Her hair was still in buns but now loose pieces of hair covered her face making her scrunch her nose as if set off by the loose strands.

Garu swiftly moved her hair back but instead of moving his hand to himself again he let it rest on her cheek.

He gently began to draw little circles on her cheek making his eyes soften.

She was so cute.

His thumb then traveled down to her lips and he grunted in embarrassment as he felt them. She had kissed him so many times with those lips. So soft and red Garu though as he gently moved forward.

He then replaced his thumb with his lips and kissed Pucca.

So cute...

Garu was just about to back away when he felt two hands grab the back of his neck deepening the kiss.

A startled noise came from him as he drew back with a huff as he looked at the awake happy form of Pucca smiling up at him.

Gary felt his guts tighten and he hid his face into her neck and shoulder making her giggle and basically hold him.

Snuggles were so embarrassing...

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