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(y'all 😂 bear with me but I have one of my Pucca ocs in this but he isn't the reason I made this. I needed an obstacle for Garu and decided to use my boi.  Again sorry if you don't like stuff like this but I promise y'all it's for the good of Garu and Pucca.)

Garu sighed as he lazily stared at Ching and Pucca chatter about whatever sparked Ching's interest today. For the past half hour, they had been waiting at Gon-Ron and Abyo hadn't shown up yet!
The group was supposed to hang out at Garu's place and so they decided to meet up here for lunch. Now Garu had been forced to deal with the girls' company. Garu slid his gaze to Pucca as she nodded and smiled along to Ching.

"Yeah did you know that there is this new guy in town! He is supposed to be this really cool ninja from the village of water!"

Ching grinned as she took a mouth full of noodles. Pucca tilted her head to the side in question, then lit up into another smile nodding.

Garu lifted a brow in surprise as he too took a mouthful of steaming noodles. He hadn't heard anything about a water ninja coming to Sooga Village in quite some time.
In fact, the last ninja had come to just installed trade with their village and he wasn't able to meet him or her.

Well, whatever the case it's not common for ninjas from different villages to visit unless it we're for jobs or learning. Wonder why this ninja was here.

Almost like Ching was reading his mind she spoke with a dreamy sigh.

"Apparently he wants to train for a few weeks to learn some of Sooga's style of fighting! Oh, how wonderful it would be if I could teach him~"

Garu rolled his eyes and picked up his bowl drinking the rest down silently.
After he had finished his lunch he sighed. Maybe if it got too late he would just head home and call it a day.
He then turned his head to peer outside to again look out the window.

"HIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Sorry guys I'm late!"

Garu whipped his head around to see Abyo with a grin on his face as a stranger trailed behind him smiling politely.

The stranger had auburn close-cut hair and blue sharp eyes. His clothes were a pair of black pants and shirt with white outlining the edge, his fist was wrapped in blue cloth hinting he must have some training in hand to hand combat.
And by the way, the stranger surveyed the room with calculating eyes was a clear indication he was a ninja of sorts.

"About time dummy! Hey, who's with you?"

Ching chirped as she looked at the stranger.

"This is Oliver!"

Abyo nudged the blue-eyed boy in the arm and Oliver nodded politely.


Pucca and Ching giggled and they both turned their heads to Oliver and standing up to greet him.

"Hi! I'm Ching and this is Pucca! Over here..."

Ching paused motioning towards Garu with a hand.

"Is Garu."

Garu raised a hand in greeting them laid it back on the table.

Oliver gave him a slow dip of his chin then looked back to Ching and Pucca a smile blooming on his face. Garu furrowed his brows in confusion at the weird look. Why such a soft smile?

"It's a pleasure to meet you two ladies. Coming from the water village so suddenly is indeed weird, but knowing two girls like yourself are so strong, I had to see for myself."

Oliver said and gave Pucca a soft smile. Garu almost choked on air as he saw Pucca blush and look away.

This was... weird. Garu thought as his eyebrows scrunched up together. When did Pucca ever blush like that towards another guy? Usually, the guy was doing the blushing, not her!
Garu smashed his lips together forming a tight line as he watched.

"Oh, so you're the ninja who came to train?! Well, we were just about to go to Garu's! Would you like to join us?"

Ching said with a happy smile on her face.

"Yeah, great idea Ching! Hiyaaaaaah! We could show him a thing or two on how we Sooga-ninja fight!!!"

Abyo chimed in equally excited at the chance to spare.

Abyo then walked over to Garu and clapped him on the back.
Oliver looked towards Garu with a felines grin as he responded.

"Well if you insist I might as well."


"Get him Pucca! Hiyaaaaaaaah!!!!"

The tear of fabric was heard but quickly drowned out by the slap and thud of wooden staffs slamming against each other.

Pucca grinned as she slipped out of Oliver's way and grinned more when the water ninja took a swipe her way.

Her wooden staff flung out towards his head but missed, swiping air above the boys head.

"Your fast Pucca dear."

Oliver said as he held his staff protectively in front of him and began to circle her.

Pucca shrugged her shoulders at his words and held her staff in front of her, ready for his attack.

"But I'm faster."

As soon as his words left his lips, Oliver was slicing his staff hard against her own.

Pucca took the force of his ouch easily and as confidence gleamed in Oliver's eyes Pucca smirked. He was going down, and down was where he went when Pucca slammed hard into his staff making him stumble back and hit the earth with a thud.

Pucca had her staff pointed at his throat earning a smile from his lips.

"Did anyone ever tell you how pretty you are when you kick others butts?"

Pucca's' heart warmed at that and she felt a small smile grace her face as she shook her head, drawing the staff from his throat.

Oliver sat up and smiled back at her with the same softness but before Pucca could enjoy it she was being shoved aside.

Pucca blinked in confusion but immediately blushed when she was met with the strong stare of Garu as he glared down at Oliver with the words mine written in his eyes.

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