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            We had ended up returning to the flat with five packages of Pot Noodles instead of going out to eat. Mikey and Andy ate theirs as they sprawled out on Mikey's bed, yelling at the television screen as a game of footy played on it. Jack and Brooklyn were talking and laughing and joshing about on live.ly. Jack reached over and grabbed his guitar, and the two of them sang what was, I had to admit, a rather lovely duet of "I'm Yours."

And me? I'd opted for isolation for once, balancing my meal on top of my laptop and praying that I didn't spill anything and break it. I was pretending to edit a vlog, but I was actually searching around on Google – Could you like both boys and girls? Does being gay mean you'll go to Hell? How do you stop being gay? It wasn't the first time that I'd attempted to find the answers to these things, and I was scrolling through the results rather listlessly, hoping to find a definite reply, but not really expecting to.

"Hi." I jolted, nearly sending my noodles flying.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered, quickly clearing my search history as I prayed that he hadn't noticed what was displayed on the screen. "You should really warn me before you randomly pop up like that."

"Sorry," He smirked, not really apologetic at all.

"Whaddya want?" I asked, closing my laptop and pushing it across the bed.

"What, can't I just come to say hello?" He ran a hand through his hair.

"Not lately, no. And especially not when Man U is playing." He and Mikey got especially absorbed into football – I didn't really see the excitement in it, so I usually left them to it when it was on.

"Commercial break." He smiled up at me and tugged on my arm. "I missed you." I rolled my eyes.

"We've been separated for, what, half an hour?"

"It's been ages," He whined.

"We've been in the same room the entire time!" I exclaimed.

"No need to get cranky about it." He pulled himself up next to me. I scooched over to make more room for him, and he rested his head on my shoulder as the game came back on. Mikey shot a look our way, feeling the absence of his football buddy, but not doing anything about it.

"See, now you've upset Mikey."

"Ssshhh. He'll live," He shushed me, right before whooping as Manchester United scored a goal. I rolled my eyes, but it was kind of cute, how excited he got over it. He didn't speak again until a bright Pepsi advert filled the screen.

"Would you like to do the next dare?" He asked, tracing circles on my chest with his fingertips.

"I knew you wanted something," I snorted. "Don't you think that Blair would split a dick if we did?"

"He's not here right now, and this one is really easy. Besides, he leaves for LA with Harv in three days anyways, so he won't be a problem anymore." I sighed.

"I don't really wanna get into any more trouble." He squeezed my hand.

"You won't, I promise."

"Okay, yeah, whatever, I guess." I gave in.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. The clock read 1:04am, making it a new day for a new dare.

"So dare number ten is super simple – Just tell someone honestly what you think of them." I had the rest of the game – about 20 minutes – To think about it, and, by the time it was over – Man U won by 3 goals, so Andy was happy – I was comfortable with my decision.

"Brook," I called out, walking over to him, where he was just wrapping up the livestream.

"Yeah?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to look at me.

"Sometimes, I won't lie, you can be kinda annoying. But, when I'm not tired and cranky, I love how fun and bubbly and loving that you are, and you're probably one of the strongest people that I know. I love you." He took a second to absorb what I had just said before blushing and hugging me.

"Aw, I love you too, Rye." The moment was one of those unexpectedly beautiful ones that you didn't really prepare for. I felt a rush of warmth and joy fill my heart as Brook babbled on about how sweet it was, and Andy hid his smile behind his hand. It was the opposite of what I'd felt when Blair screamed at us earlier – I felt like I'd found a group of friends that would love and accept me no matter what, and who I would do the same for.

Out of the thrill of the moment, I kissed Andy, in plain view for anyone to see. It wasn't entirely unusual for us to do random displays of affection, and this time, I didn't feel any guilt.

"You taste like garlic," I whispered in his ear.

"Would you like me to brush my teeth, and then we can try again?" He teased me. I bit my lip in response and he grinned, walking backwards to the bathroom with his eyes on me the entire time. I couldn't help but burst into laughter as he bonked his head on the doorframe and scurried inside, clutching his head.

"Somebody's in a good mood tonight," Mikey remarked.

And he was right – I was. I didn't want the feeling to ever end.

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