Character Q&A Answers

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1) Will you ever completely get over Sophie?
I's a little hard for me to say. We spent two years together, and it's not easy to forget about all that, and all of the memories that we shared together...But having Andy really helps. It already doesn't hurt as much as it used to, so I think that, yeah, eventually time will heal everything.

2) Who tops? Andy or you? (P.S. I think you)
I'm not saying it's me, but...I'm not saying it's Andy 😏


1) What do you think of Mikey being allergic to peps? xD
Peps? Not quite sure what you mean. I do know that he's allergic to bananas, which is rather unfortunate for him, if you get what I mean 😉

2) What would you think if Jacklyn became real?
Maybe being in a relationship would end Brooklyn's constant pleas for affection and attention, so I'd be all for it tbh

3) Is Rye good at giving cuddles?
The best.

4) Are you planning to spend the rest of your life with Rye?
Who can really say what the future holds? But I'm rather fond of the idea...Maybe it's just young love speaking, but I can't really see myself ending up with anybody else.

5) Is Rye hot? Is he a good kisser? 😛
Like the Sahara desert, my friend. And let's just say, I could kiss him for the rest of my life and never get sick of it.

6) How good is Rye at giving cuddles and making you feel wanted?
He's always been this safety point in my life - Like, even before we started dating, I've always known that I could go to him when I was feeling down and he would be there. When he holds me, it's like the rest of the world ceases to exist, like the two of us are all there ever was and all that there will ever be. He is everything, everything.

7) How exactly did you come up with the dares?
Some Google researching, and some creativity on my part 🤷🏻‍♀️(Don't tell him that I came up with the chili pepper thing on my own, he'd kill me)

8) When did you really realize that you have fallen for Rye?
I mean, I felt that spark from the first time that we met. But, I'd have to say, I first really realized it on this day, I can't even remember when - But we were cuddling, and it suddenly occurred to me that I would do anything, absolutely anything, to be able to kiss him and call him mine. But, you know, he was with Sophie then, so there was nothing that I could really do.


1) Who is your best friend in the band?
I'd probably have to say Jack! But I can't imagine a life without any of them 🙈❤️

2) Is Jacklyn real?

3) Do you love Jack?
Of course! He's my little Irish bean 🍀❤️


1) How do you feel about Randy? (Amaazzingg book btw 💖)
It's a little weird, but they both seem really happy, so I support that. 😊(Thank you, I like to think that I make it pretty incredible 💁🏻‍♀️Randy who, amiright?)

2) Do you support your best friend since ever being in a relationship with Andy?
I can tell how much they adore each other, and I can't see Andy ever breaking his heart, so, yeah. His happiness is mine, too.

3) Did you have a feeling Rye's sexuality wasn't what he told you it was before he came out?
I like to pay attention to details, so yeah. He'd make jokes about how hot random guys were, and get really shy and blush-y at people shipping him with other boys, and, I mean, he wasn't very suave with how googly-eyed in love he was with Andy...

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