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            I looked at Andy's scrawl etched across the page – "Pretend to make out on the train."

"I can't do that," I said, pushing the book away and playing with my hair so that the long strands hid my face.

"It doesn't have to be with me," Andy replied, leaning closer and brushing my hair away.

The problem wasn't the dare itself – If the world was as open and welcoming as it should've been, then I would've accepted the challenge gladly. I would actually make out with Andy any time and any place if I thought that people would overlook it just like they did with straight couples. Unfortunately, I knew better than that. If Andy's lips met mine on a place as wide-open as the train, chances were likely that we wouldn't escape without some sort of insult snarled at us – Or worse. I had read more than one horror story of the offenses and injuries that people had been put through – And all because they loved somebody that was the same gender as them.

After yesterday, I was tempted to try and cut things off with Andy, but he'd stopped me before I'd even gotten the chance. In the dim light of the kitchen when we'd finally gotten back, he got an ice pack for my hand – We'd told the others that I'd fallen – And leaned up against me, speaking quietly enough that only the two of us.

"I know what you're thinking, Rye." He'd stroked my cheek. "And it's up to you. Of course it is. But I'm here to tell you that you're perfect as you are-" He'd nuzzled his nose against my neck – "And I promise to protect you. No matter what happens, I will be there. I won't let any harm come to you."

The promise brought me little solace because I knew that it was impossible to keep, but it completed its purpose, anyways. It was entirely too difficult for me to turn Andy down, and he wasn't like Sophie – He couldn't disappear from my life completely. We lived together, for fuck's sake.

'Come on. You're already halfway there. You can't give up now," Andy whined, snapping me back to the present. "Chiara's coming with us. You can do it with her." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"And how do you suppose we do that without telling her?"

"We make an exception just this one time." He shone his puppy eyes on me.

"Stop it. You know that it's hard enough for me to say no to you as it is."

"Exactly." He smirked, using my weakness to his advantage.

"Are you sure it's not going to kill you to see your best friend and your boyfriend kissing?" I whispered, tickling his side. His face flushed at my use of the possessive term, but he tried to hide it as he batted my hands away.

"Pretend kissing." He corrected me. "And maybe a little. But I'll live."

"Hurry up, you nutters!" Mikey shouted from the hallway.

"Coming!" I yelled back, stepping closer to Andy.

"You, Andy Fowler, are stubborn. But also irresistible." I swiped my thumb across his bottom lip.

"I know it. Now, let's get a move on." He grabbed my hand, and then we were off.


"And you're really not gonna tell me why?" Chiara asked, arms crossed over her chest as her eyes ping-ponged back and forth between me and Andy.

"Just that it's important. Come onnnn. For me?" Andy pulled out his winning smile.

"Just don't tell me that it's got something to do with Sophie." The two of them had never been very close, and the breakup had only further convinced Chiara that the girl was evil.

"It doesn't, I promise," I reassured her.

"Alright then, I guess. But you guys have to promise to behave while I vlog later on."

"Of course." We'd met up with her at the train station, and were now headed off to some site that Chris, who shot most of our music videos, promised was incredible. Now, I grabbed Chiara's hand and led her to a corner where the others wouldn't see us. Andy followed with his phone a couple of paces behind us.

"Are you ready?" I asked her, suddenly a little shy. She nodded, and I cupped my hands on both sides of her face, letting out exaggerated kissing noises. She rested hers on my hips and tried not to laugh. Somebody whooped in the background and somebody else told us to get a room. Certain that Andy would be satisfied with the results, I parted from her, muttering a quick thank you before scurrying back to Andy.

I knew that I should probably be feeling alright about it being a success – Hell, before all of this, to pull such a prank would leave me on a high. But now, all that I felt was sorrow, although I tried to mask it. The truth was that it hurt that I wouldn't have been able to do the same thing with Andy. Sometimes I didn't know which would be harder – To change the world, or to change myself.

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