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            The ride home from A&E was a quiet one. Andy had fallen asleep with his head resting up against my shoulder, and I mindlessly ran my hands through his hair. Brooklyn was absorbed in his phone, the glow lighting up his face despite the dark of the night. Jack had somehow managed to curl up in the back and was lightly snoring, and Mikey was silently nursing his broken arm. My mouth was still prickling with the leftover burn of the pepper that I'd had to eat for dare #25.

The hospital had been packed when we'd arrived, and a group of restless and rowdy boys who had pressured Mikey into trying some sort of flip – If I'd been paying attention, I would've told them that it was a bad idea – was pretty far down on their list of admittance. Despite it being an emergency room, we had to spend ages waiting. When Andy's phone died sometime after midnight and he grew tired of annoying Brooklyn, he convinced me to sneak away with him to complete the dare.

He wouldn't tell me what it was right away, which immediately sparked my suspicion that it was going to be something that I didn't want to do, but I followed him anyways. There was something that the newly-fledged romance sparked in me that I hadn't felt in a while. Being with Andy prompted a sort of excitement for life, like I was down for anything as long as he would be there by my side. Still, I badgered him with questions about what it was until he shushed me and sealed the deal with a quick kiss to assure that I kept my mouth shut.

"Trust me. I'll tell you what it is once we get there."

"Uhh, are you conveniently forgetting about all of the awful things you've made me do? If I threw up now, it'd probably still taste like ketchup."

"Ew." He let go of my hand, crinkling his nose in distaste. I quickly snatched it back, missing the warmth of his palm resting in my hand as soon as I lost it.

"I'm not going to, so don't worry about it. I'm just saying, that's why I don't trust you." He led me across the street to a glowing store that advertised its hours – "OPEN 24/7" – in neon lights.

"Okay. Well, maybe I don't blame you." I'd merely groaned, wary of what was about to happen. "Actually, you know what?" Andy said, stopping abruptly. "I think it's better if you just wait outside." I'd paused, desperate to know what he was hiding from me, but he'd stood firm, granting me a light peck on the cheek before shoving me back outside.

I'd huddled under a bus stop, rubbing my arms with my hands to retain feeling in them, having forgotten to bring a jacket in the aftermath of Mikey's injury, and watching my breath come out in small white puffs. I thought about how much my life had changed since the last time I'd been waiting for somebody out in the cold. There was still a part of me that longed to retreat back to that safety, to any random girl that wouldn't earn me dirty looks on the street.

It was the part of me that hesitated and froze up a little bit as we showed affection in public, or kissed in front of the boys. But, even bigger than that part of me, was one that was willing to embrace change. Differences would always be scary, but, sometimes they were worth it. Giving into my fears would mean losing Andy, and that wasn't a sacrifice that I was willing to make.

"You look cold." His voice had broken through my thoughts, and I'd grinned at him as he sat down beside me on the freezing metal bench.

"I am cold." I tried to stop my teeth from chattering.

"It's a good thing that I brought you something hot, then," He smirked, holding up a paper bag that hid the item resting inside.

"What? Do I even wanna know what it is I don't trust that smirk." He greeted my suspicions with a laugh that confirmed his guilt.

"Dare 25," He drawled, dragging it out. "Is for you to eat a red hot chili pepper."

"I'm not eating a band." I leaned away from him, crossing my arms over my chest. I was fully aware that the musical group wasn't what he was talking about, but I was already scrambling for ways to get out of this torture.

"I was talking about the food." He'd reached into the bag, the material crinkling as he pulled the devil's food out and into view.

"I would rather eat the band." I backtracked.

"Come on! You've made it this far! I believe in you," He said, donning the attitude of a motivational speaker instead of just somebody who wanted to see me suffer.

"You know that I hate spicy foods," I'd whined, tucking away from him as if I could actually escape the inevitable.

"Come on." He leaned over me, his body bringing warmth and refuge from the cold winter air. "You know you want to." And it was a damn shame that I could never bring myself to say no to him.

"Do I really have to eat the whole thing?" I gave in partially, already planning to only take a small nibble of it, like an overly picky eater trying something new would.

"Not the stem thingie. I got the smallest one there."

"I hate you, you know that, right?" I'd grumbled, reluctantly taking it from him.

"Yeah." His smile grew even wider. After staring at the bright red vegetable so long that it grew blurry, I took the leap and shoved the whole thing into my mouth, feeling my eyes tear up as the heat set my mouth on fire. I nearly choked trying to swallow it whole with as minimal chewing as possible.

"I also bought you a water," Andy said, as if trying to make it up to me.

"Water makes it worse," I panted, now trying to gulp in cold air, as if that could slow down the rapid deterioration of the lining of my mouth and throat.

"Well, at least you did it," He offered.

"And I wish that I didn't," I'd said, already regretting my decisions.

Now, his crimes were forgiven as we slowly pulled up to the flat. I planted a kiss on the top of his head before gently shaking him awake. He mumbled sleepily before cuddling in closer to me, not once opening his eyes.

"We're here, you gotta get up," I whispered, half-tugging, half-dragging him out of the car.

"I wanna sleep." He was like a small child, but I still melted at seeing him so soft and sleepy.

"C'mere, you little toddler. I'll give you a piggy back ride." He was too tired to properly protested, and only let out a huff of air as I hoisted him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"That's ridiculous," Jack scoffed as I began to carry him up the long flights of stairs. "Brook, will you carry me?"

"No way," Brooklyn replied, darting up the steps, and I chuckled to myself.

"What not?!" Jack called out, following him and defeating the whole purpose of the lazy act.

"Get away from me, you leprechaun!" Brooklyn yelled back. Our laughter and Jack's cries of protest echoed up the stairwell as our overly sleep-deprived gang made our way up. Still half-asleep, Andy clutched onto me, but I could feel his smile against my neck. I tried to pretend that the simple act didn't make my heart clench with adoration for him.

It took considerable effort for me to lay him down on his bed and not join him there. I was turning away when he softly said my name.

"Yeah?" I turned back.

"I love you." I found it hard to breathe, looking at him with his eyelids half-closed, loosely clutching his blanket with one hand a dopey grin splayed across his face.

"I love you too." And I could nearly cry with just how damn much I did.


hEllo, laid ease and gental mints.

I have the majority of this fic planned out from now until the end, but is there anything that you guys were hoping to see in this? I miiight just take your opinions into consideration ;)

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