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            I had been in love with Sophie – Or, at least, I had to keep telling myself that. The part of my past that we'd shared, however long it was, seemed increasingly blurry and out of touch, as if it had never happened at all. So, yes, I was working on the assumption that I had been in love with Sophie, but I had not, I was certain, fully known what love really was until now.

Love was so much more than just a four letter word. It was bigger than me, and him, and the two of us together, our bodies intertwined into one, his breathing becoming my own, my chest aching with how much I fucking wanted him, even as he was laying right beside me, his bare skin resting right up against my own.

Love was everything, absolutely everything – It was holding hands and those first fragile, tentative kisses, and the laughter and the tears and the fears that we both worked through together, because being together was worth it all. Even with my hands shaking and hesitation making my movements and regret surely looming around the corner, love, and my love for him, was what made it worth it.

Love was the big things – The way that we'd stolen away for a date night, off to some movie whose title I couldn't remember because, even in the dark, I could see his face and his heart and his soul so clearly and I wanted him, all of him. It was how he could sense it, the sexual tension, and grabbed my hand and ran out of there, us giggling at our great escape and stumbling over our own feet in joy and nerves and pure exhilaration.

Love was Andy's hands shaking as he tried to pull my shirt off over my head and how I had to do it for him, how he whispered "Is this okay? Are you sure?" During every step of the way, and how I had no choice but to move faster and more passionately to show him that this was what I wanted. That he was what I wanted, so much that I could taste it. Love was how he gripped my shoulders and arched into me and the soft kisses and nibbles down his neck and spine afterwards because, fuck it, his body was so beautiful and I wanted every piece of it to be marked as my own. He was insecure as I paused to admire him and the wholeness of his beauty and it made me love him all the more, filled me with the desire to make him feel the same way – About me, about himself.

Love was the watery tears brimming on the tips of his eyelashes as he murmured that he had loved me for so long, that he would love me until the end of time, and how I believed him. He whispered that it was worth waiting for me, and that it always would be.

But love, love was the small things, too. It was Andy reaching over to smooth out the crinkles in my shirt, hiding the evidence, and laughing and leaning forward to kiss me again and again, all the while saying that we really had to get back. It was him telling me about some advert that looked good and me asking him if he'd really been paying attention, and how he'd said "No, but I was trying to convince you of otherwise."

It was how I'd said that I was willing to have movie dates every night with him, and he'd scoffed and said that I'd get sick of him, and I'd done a rather unattractive sort of snort and said that I would never, ever be able to get enough of him. He'd replied with "Blair would kill us, though," and the mood had temporarily dropped but that was still love. Love was that and him suddenly bursting out with "Fuck, I forgot my skittles in the theater," and nuzzling into my side and me having to pull over to kiss and breathe him in a little more.

I was certain, certain, that the world had never seemed so bright, even as the darkness enveloped us as Andy skipped back up to the flat and I pinched his side and told him that he was acting a little too suspicious. He just smiled and kissed me, and, hell, I was in love with Andy Fowler, truly, madly, deeply, and there was no denying it.


Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long with this chapter. I really wanted to make it perfect. I wanted to be able to express the beauty of it and not just make it super smutty (sorry if it was still too much, though)

I love you guys, and I'm hoping you'll enjoy this one ♥

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