30 Days of Dares

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1. Eat an entire bag of Bean Boozled

2. Go to the neighbor and ask for a toilet brush

3. Flash someone and make it look like an accident

4. Stand in the center of a restaurant and sing your favorite nursery rhyme

5. Eat a raw egg

6. Have a two-minute-long conversation with a chair or a wall

7. Walk up to a stranger and convince them that you're an alien sent to transform them

8. Call an unknown number and tell that person you know where the Chamber of Secrets is

9. Call up a hotel and ask if they serve dinosaurs. Also mention other foods you'd like with the dinosaur

10. Tell someone honestly what you think of them

11. Call a friend in the middle of the night and tell them you just saw a spaceship

12. In a pub, tell someone you'll buy them a drink and, if acceptable, order for orange juice

13. Drink an entire bottle of salad dressing

14. Go on an elevator – When someone gets off, say "Bye, I love you"

15. Pretend to make out on the train

16. Put a tampon on someone's bed

17. Text a random # and ask if you can speak to Bob because he left his underwear at your house

18. Put your underwear over your clothes and go somewhere

19. Drink soda with milk in it

20. Make out with the wall for two minutes

21. Go out into a public place and ask a random stranger for a tampon

22. Lick a toilet seat

23. Eat as many tablespoons of ketchup as you can

24. Get someone to kiss you anywhere they choose

25. Eat a chili pepper

26. Send someone you know a message that says: I know what you did last summer

27. Respond to every text with a phone call for the day

28. Don't speak for an entire day

29. Try to convince someone that you're Harry Styles

30. Tell a truth that you learned during the dares

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