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"Mal? Mal?" A voice says from outside my door. "Come in!" I call. "Mal! Come on! Get up! Do you want to be late on the first day of school?" Ben says coming into my room, and he starts to shake me gently. "Uh. Ben. I don't want to. I want to sleep!" I say emphatzing on the word Sleep. "Mal. Come on." Ben says. "UH! Fine!" I say. I sit up, and I see Ben standing on the side of my bed. "Let's go! You'll be late!" Ben says. "Fine." I say. I get up and he leaves. I change, and I walk out the door, barely awake.

I walk to my classroom, and I go the whole day. When I get back to my room, I'm missing my best friends. One of them was always in here, even if me or Evie wasn't there. Normally it was always Jay. Jay always was in my room, because he never had anything to do. Like, never. Even if there was tourney, he always had a way to be in here. Carlos and Evie really hadn't come in here often. Normally they hung out, and they didn't tell us, so Jay and I always hung out ourselves, and we had a wicked cool time. 

No I don't have any one of my best friends here, except for Ben, but he was being a King a lot, so I didn't have anyone to talk to. Carlos and Jay ran a pet grooming stuido in Auradon City, not too far from Auradon Prep, since we're in the same city. Evie has a studio where she's her own fashion designer. And, that leaves me. Mal. I'm still here At Auradon Prep. I work as a teacher, and I almost never see my best friends anymore.

I crash onto my bed, and almost fall asleep, as I get a text. The ringtone I set for my best friends rang, and I was hopeful. I grabbed my phone, but it was only Ben. I sigh and slam my head into a pillow. I pick up my phone again, and I read Ben's text. It says:

Mal, date tonight at enchanted lake? I reply back, sure. I get up from my bed and get ready. He always picks me up on our dates, and I have to hurry to get ready now that Evie's gone from Auradon Prep. 

I open my closet doors, and I pick a purple and green dress out, with my shorts and crop top underneath. I didn't really like crop tops, until I came to Auradon Prep, where Aurdey showed me one. I don't really see her as liking crop tops, but I LOVE them. 

As I'm finishing my hair, Ben knocks on my door. I open it, and he's standing there. He smiles at me, and I blush. "You look pretty tonight Mal." Ben says as he takes my hand. "You look handsome too Ben." I say. 

We go all to the Enchanted Lake in on Ben's blue moped, and when we pass the foot bride like on our first date, he tells me to stand there and to cover my eyes. "Ben!" I say but I do what he asks. 

"Okay, since you trust me so well, just let me lead you." Ben says. I feel his hands on my shoulder steering me in the right direction. I hear him moving around, and then I hear him say, "Open your eyes Mal." I open my eyes and I see him on the ground. 

He's down on one knees, and he has a ring out and he looks up at me. "Mal, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I want to say something, but no words come out of my mouth. 

"Mal?" Ben says. I open my mouth to say something, but it's like all of my words have been sucked out of my body. He looks really sad, and I don't realize it at first but I'm running away. Away from Ben, and into the dark woods. 


Mal is running away from me. She's running away because I proposed to her. "MAL!" I scream after her. I pocket the ring quickly and I get up and run after her. "MAL!" I scream again. I see her in front of me, but I hear someone call my name. 

Audrey is laying next to a tree, and she's bleeding. "Audrey?" I say in shock. I make sure she's okay before looking up to see where Mal went. I lost sight of her. She's gone. I don't know where she went. And it's all because of me. 

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