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"WHAT?" Mal screams as best as she can. I've just explained to her the situation, and how we have to leave in order to save Uma, Harry, and Gil. "I'm sorry Dragon. I should have done something to nogetiate with Ben. I should have-" "Jay, you don't have to. Uma, Harry, and Gil are our friends. As long as they're safe and let go, they'll be okay. As long as we're together, we'll be okay." Mal says. "Are you sure you want to leave? We could always just hide." I say. She shakes her head. "Jay, this is about the safety of our people." She says. "Okay. But, as soon as we get to Auradon, we should call to make sure they are safe." I say. 

She nods, and she stands up. "Are you going to make it downstairs on your own?" I say after I see her face hidden scarred with pain. "Of course I will." She says. She's going to hurt herself more than her body can handle. 

"Okay. But I'm walking next to you in case you fall." I say. "Fine." She says. She puts her bag on her back and she says, "First I want to see the babies. For one time so I can know them when they come of age." I nod and we go down the hall to the room where the babies are. 

Mal sees their smiling faces and Mal takes one look at them and she turns away. "Let's go." She says. I shrug and we walk down the stairs. "Ahh. Let's go then. The limo is waiting." Ben says with a smirk. On the way by him I kick him in the shin as hard as I can, and walk away with an innocent look on my face. 

Evie, Carlos, and Ben get into the limo first, and Ursula, Cruella, and Evil Queen come out to say goodbye. They all have tears in their eyes, and we each in turn hug them. Evil Queen puts all of Mal's medicine in Mal's bag and Mal hugs them all again. 

Then Ben yells to get in the limo. I sigh and I say to the three standing women watching us leave. "We'll be back as soon as we can. I mean it this time." I say and Mal bursts into tears. I climb into the limo and I follow her. 

She cries all the way to border, which is all the way across the Isle of the Lost from where we are. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she cries on my shoulder. I stare out the window the whole way. 

When we reach the bridge to cross over, I feel Mal tense. She's in pain, and she wants to scream. I pick her up and put her on my lap and scoot over to her legs weren't almost touching the door. I pull her close to me and her head reaches my collarbone. 

I put one hand softly on her head, and the other on her shoulder. "It hurts so much Jay." She wimpers. I turn my head so she can hear me, "It's okay baby. It will be okay." I say, and I mean it. I'm going to help Mal get over this, and then we can go back to the Isle. I know she hates Auradon as much as I do. 

All she does until we get past the barrier was cry onto my shirt where she's sitting. We get to Auradon Prep, and everyone is standing outside like the day Evie, Carlos, Mal, and I first came to Auradon. Everyone is cheering and clapping, and Ben, Carlos, and Evie climb out of the limo. 

Mal has long stopped crying and she looks beautiful again. Her hair looks perfect, and she looks like she hasn't been crying at all. I realize what happened. I smile at Mal, and she smiles back at me. I see a huge banner that reads Welcome back Mal and Jay. 

Our smiles both drop, and before Mal can start to freak out, I brush a strand of her loose hair back behind her ear, and kiss her softly. "Guys. Come on! Everyone's waiting!" Ben calls into the limo. "Alright. Alright." I say. Good thing the limo has curtains. I get out, and Mal climbs out behind me. 

We all stare at the huge crowd welcoming us back. Mal hides behind me, and I don't blame her. When she hides behind me, the music stops playing. Awkward silence follows. "So, Mal, Jay, welcome back to Auradon Prep!" Ben says cheerily. 

Everyone starts clapping, and Mal whispers something into Ben's ear. He nods. She comes back over to me, and she tells me quietly that she asks if Uma, Harry, and Gil are free. I nod, and we follow Ben inside the school. 

When we reach the dorms, we aren't in the same one. Mal looks over at me panicked. She takes my hand and I squeeze it. She's sharing with Evie, and I'm sharing with Carlos. Just like old times. 

We are forced to be seperated. I can't believe this. "Ben, why aren't we in the same dorm room?" I ask. Mal leans her head on my shoulder, and I squeeze her hand again. "It has to be two of the same genders in a room. My Dad's parents made that rule when they were ruling." Ben answers. "Then why do Chad and Audrey share a room? And Lonnie and Aziz?" I say narrowing my eyes. 

"I don't know okay!" "Oh Ben. I'm sure you do have a reason. You just want Mal to yourself. That's all you want." I say. I glare at him, but Mal pulls me into my dorm room. Carlos is in there with Dude sitting on his bed. "Hey Jay. Hey Mal." He says not even looking up from his laptop. 

"Hey Carlos." Mal and I echo in unison. I walk back out to the hallway and Mal follows. Ben and Evie are gone and I sigh. I walk across to the other side of the hallway and lean against the wall. "Mal, our situation just got a whole heck of a lot harder." I say taking her hand. 

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