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10 months later

Ben came over in the limo with Evie and Carlos. They got out, and the governement officals met them at the only good cafe on the Isle. Uma, Harry, and Gil were working behind the counter. Harry, Gil, and Uma saw them all walk in. Harry and Uma sneered at them, a scowl on their faces. 


Uma said something to Gil and Gil laughed really loud. He walked out of sight, and Harry and Uma started towards us. They were grinning maliously. I gulped. "Hello Ben! How is your pity life in Auradon lately?" Uma asked me. "Um. Fine. I really just came to make an agreement to help Mal come home." I said. It was true. Uma glared at me. Harry snarled at me.

"Ben, Ben, Ben. You can be so clueless sometimes!" He told me. "I am not. I should have you arrested." "Oh. Are you going to arest me? Will Queen Mal approve of that? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN SHE'S GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW?" Harry screamed. I was shocked. "What do you mean pain?" "She missed you like crazy." "You said missed." "I did. Because, she thinks you don't care about her life anymore. You left her here with Jay to lead the entire Isle. She cried over you. She doesn't cry anymore. Espically with the quadtuplets-" Harry was stopped by Uma hitting him across the stomach. 

"Shut up harry! We can't have him knowing! He'll just have to find out for himself, as soon as the new rulers are here and ready to be taken care of. Then Mal and Jay can come back home. Only then. Watch out Ben, Carlos, and Evie. You will regret putting Mal in so much pain." Uma said. "What about Jay?" Carlos asked. Harry smirked. "He's not in that much pain, Mal's the one in pain, espically since the 4 new rulers are expected any time now." Harry said grinning malaiously. The government officals laughed at Uma and Harry's words. Harry and Uma continued to taunt Ben, Evie, and Carlos. Meanwhile:


I woke up and  Jay was snuggled against me. I grinned and he grabbed my hand. We may not like that we were forced to get married, but we're just starting to love each other. We are just problem solvers, and he and I both agree that since we're married we should just try to love each other. We didn't even have to try, it just happened right when we found out I was pregnant with 4 babies for the Government of the Isle.

We are free to leave the Isle as soon as the babies are born and go back to Auradon City since the government couldn't find the real rulers. He sat up and kissed my temple. I smile, and I sit up as best as I can. He helps me sit the rest of the way up. We both also agreed that we don't want the babies. Besides, They were going to be adopted by Mother Gothel and Captain Hook so they could grow up leaders of the Isle. 

"Mal, we are almost free to go back to Auradon City." Jay says very softly. He looks at me, his chocolate brown eyes filling me with warmth. "Jay." I say. I grab his hand and pull him closer to me. "I don't want us to end though." I say to him. "I don't either." He says as he closes his eyes and he sits right up next to me. We sit for a while, and then he says, "I'm going to go make breakfast. Would you like something specific?" "The usual. Thanks Jay." "No problem dream girl." He says laughing. 

I laugh with him, and as he leaves I call out, "Thanks Genie!" He turns around and we laugh together. He goes downstairs and makes breakfast. My phone rings with a call. I pick it up, and it's Ben. I don't answer it. I press ignore. He calls again. I press ignore again. He calls 4 more times, and I press ignore on all of them. Then, Harry calls me. I answer it, and he says, "How are you doing Mal?" I laugh. "I'm fine Harry. Thanks for asking. Jay was wondering if you, Uma, and Gil could stop by the mansion later today." 

Our house wasn't a mansion. Harry had called it a mansion from the way it looks, so that's what we called it. Harry laughed from the other end. "Will do. Uma heard. My phone's on speaker. You won't believe who's here right now." He says. "Who?" I ask. "Ben. Evie. and Carlos." he says after a brief pause. "WHAT?" I scream. Jay hears me, and he says, "Everything okay babe?" He calls up. "Of course not!" I yell. Jay comes upstairs, and he sees that Harry is on the phone with me. 

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