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Jay and I stop kissing and I blush. I turn around to face Harry. Jay wraps his arms around me and I smile even larger. "Harry, you know we have to find Gil again. He wondered off last night, and take care of Uma." I say. He nods. At that moment Gil pops out of the woods with Uma and Ben. "I should have rephrased my words." I say sighing. 

Jay laughs into my hair. I roll my eyes and laugh at his goofiness. "Mal, we need to talk to you." Uma and Ben say. I glance up at Jay and he shrugs. I'll take that as a yes. "Fine. Talk away. I'm listening." I say. "Mal I still love you. I know I've been a stupid jerk about everything, but all I want to say is, I'm sorry. I won't stop loving you but I just want you to know you were right. I'm really, really sorry Mal and I-" "Shut up already! I know you're lying!" I say. 

He looks away. "Why can't almost all of you leave us alone? It's like an addiction. You just can't give up bugging us!" I state with an enthusiastic tone of voice. "You know what? I just don't care anymore. I'm so sick and tired of all of this stuff being everywhere. I'm completeing the last task and leaving this Island. I love it to death, but I can't stand living here anymore!" Jay nods because he's having a hard time as well. 

I scoop up my bag and I go and I shoot a glance at Harry and Gil. I try to look at Carlos but he doesn't look at me. Fine. Let him stay here. If he cares too much about those backstabbing jerks he can stay with them. Sometimes Carlos is just like Evie. Switching friends all the time. As in Evie's case, she switches guy to guy which is even worse! I start a transporting spell and I take Jay's hand.Harry and Gil quickly reacting and jumping into the portal right as it closes. 

We all get transported to the center of town still on the Isle. "Come on! We have to hurry before they get out of the forest!" I scream. Jay and I run to Mother Gothel's while Harry and Gil run to his dad's to get him and the remaining boy baby of the rulers. Jay quickly knocks on Mother Gothel's door and she opens it. "Mother Gothel can we come in? It's very important!" I say and she nods looking alarmed. 

She lets us in and I see the girl ruler sleeping in a crib. I look at Mother Gothel and she nods. I gently pick the baby up and I sit down next to Jay. Another knock sounds from the door and Mother Gothel opens it to reveal Harry,Gil, and Captain Hook. Captain Hook hands Jay our son and I can't believe I call him that. 

"So, none of you know why we're here." Jay says. Everyone except me shake their heads. "Jay and I want to turn these here rulers proper coronation age. Not 10 either. Proper age." Mother Gothel's mouth falls open. "You're going to use magic to turn them 15?" She asks. I nod. "As you can see Jay and I aren't really fit to be King and Queen anymore." "Mal's right. We've done our deed and plus, we need to get out of here before we end up getting killed." Jay says. 

"Oh, that reminds me. Harry did you bring it?" I ask. He nods and he pulls out a tiny box out of his pocket. "Thank you." I say and take it. I open it slowly and inside sits a plain basic silver ring. "What's it for?" Jay asks. "The Prisoners. Right now their whole cave is trapped in my dragon ring and I like my dragon ring. Which also reminds me, Gil did you bring the locket?" I ask. He nods and tosses it to me. I thank him as well and I pull off my ring first. 

I recite the spell from memory which makes the rings glow and they switch jobs so now my dragon ring is a plain ring and the silver ring that doesn't mean anything holds all of the Prisoners. My ring feels lighter as I put it back above my wedding ring. I reach behind my neck and unclip my locket. I pull it off my neck and I do the same spell on the lockets. I place my golden locket back around my neck and I clip it on. 

I hand Gil the locket and Harry the ring. Soon they have to put these in the Government's hands. They pocket them again, and later after the coronation the new King and Queen will recieve these and the Government will explain everything to them. I also hand Harry an orange envelope which contains the letters explaining more things. Jay helped me write them months ago before they were born. We didn't even know that we were going to turn them 15 either until just recently. 

Harry pockets that too and when the rulers are coronated(?) they will recieve these letters. I breath in and out and I know we don't have much time. Uma knows magic too and it won't take long for them to get out of the forest. Jay and I stand up and together we set the babies on the couch where Jay and I were sitting. 

We thank Mother Gothel and Captain Hook for all their help. The babies will grow up in 5 minutes and they will have all their knowledge and they will have everything they need to survive, which includes not knowing that Jay and I are their parents. They are brother and sister which means they don't have to get married in order to be King and Queen. 

Harry and Gil run off to the Government building. Jay and I stand off to the side and I recite the spell. After I cast it the babies start growing and everything of theirs transform into 15 year old size. The babies themselves start glowing and in 5 minutes they are full grown. They look at Me and Jay with confusion. I burst out crying and Jay wraps his warm arms around me and I turn around and hug him. Harry and Gil appear through the door and they see the newly transformed babies. "Hey Mom, dad, who are those people over there?" The girl asks. That makes me cry even harder. 

I just don't know why I became so attached to them in the last 30 minutes when we got here. "Bexley these are visitors." Mother Gothel says hugging the girl. Bexley. That's a pretty name. "Jax would you mind getting our visitor's some tea?" Captain Hook asks the boy. Jax and Bexley. Those are perfect names for a dark haired daughter and a violet haired boy. "Oh that's okay Captain Hook. I need to get Mal home. She's been having a rough day." Jay says. 

"Jax and Bexley I want you to meet our guests." Captain Hook says. "This is Gil," Captain Hook says gesturing at Gil. "This is Harry, your older brother." He says pointing at Harry. Harry waves and then Captain Hook points at Jay. "This is Jay and his wife Mal." "Captain Hook, Mother Gothel, it's been a pleasure seeing you. We'll come back as soon as we can, but we must be off." Jay says. They both nod and I turn around. "I just want to say goodbye." I say. I rush over to Bexley and Jax. 

I hug them both and Bexley looks confused where Jax hugs me back like he remembers who I am. He does. I can tell. Before I stop hugging him he whispers into my ear, "I love you mom. Please come back." I almost burst out crying again as I nod. I walk back to Jay and I take his hand. Jax waves bye to me and I wave back, and then Harry,Gil, Jay and I walk out of Mother Gothel's house. 

We get to the barrier and I link hands with Jay and Harry and Gil grabs Harry's hand so we're all connected together. I cast the spell and together we fly over the water and into Auradon. I may not be strong enough to rule the world, but with my husband and best friends, I can conquer anyone. 


I'm so excited! It's almost Christmas so I was so excited to finish this story! I'm sorry if you hate me because of the way it ended. But the whole point of writing is for people to dream and wonder about the ending of the story. Don't worry though! More Jal is going to come as fast as I can type it!

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