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"Guys, I think Jay knows we put a love spell on Mal!" I say. Uma spits all her milk onto Gil. "HEY!" Gil yells in protest. "HOW!" "I don't know! Jay and Mal just left as I came downstairs, and he gave me a glare as well." I say. "Great Job Harry! If you hadn't screamed last night, this never would have happened!" Gil yelled. Uma and I look at him in shock. He never has said anything like this before. He looks over and Uma and says, "Don't give me that look! You were going to say the same thing!"

Uma glares at him. "Where did they go?" "I don't know. I asked where they were going, Jay just glared at me and said out, and then he and Mal left." "We have to find them!" Uma exclaims. "Can't we just wait here and snoop in their stuff?" I suggest. "That will work too." "GUYS!" Gil yells. "What?" "What happened to the people that cared about Mal and Jay? The ones that were eager to be alive and just to see Mal and Jay safe and together?" Gil asks. "Love can change anything Gil." I say quietly.

"Well, let me tell you. Mal and Jay just want to be together again. Alone, and safe from harm and problems that conflict upon them. All they want is for Ginny Gothel and Anthony Tremaine to come and take the thrones so they can be normal teenagers in love. If you try to break them up, it'll make their love stronger!" Gil protests. "SHUT UP GIL!" Uma yells. She waits for me to agree with her, but all I can think of is what Gil said. How Mal and Jay helped us all these months without even expecting anything in return.

I don't want to listen to Gil, but I actually find myself wanting to believe him, even though a part of me wants to keep the spell on Mal. But the thoughts of how nice and caring that Mal and Jay were. Never argueing when people yelled at them. Never being irrational and hasty to make decisons to help their people. How they could never find any peace. "No." I say. Uma almost falls in shock. "No? What do you mean no?" Uma asks. "I mean no! Gil's right! I can't do this to Mal and Jay!" I say.

"Harry. Come on! What about the plan? We were going to take over the Isle and make Auradon take us in." "No Uma. Why do you even want to do that anymore?" I ask curious. Her cheeks turn a bright shade of red so she looks like a tomato. "Well, Harry I wanted to do it to show you I'm a better dating choice than Mal." She says quietly. "Like, I mean Mal's already married at age 17. I wanted to date you, and I thought if I did what you wanted would mean you would like me and date me instead." She says looking me in the eyes. "Aww!" Gil yells. We both turn to Gil and glare at him. "You know, I think I'll go upstairs now!" Gil yells and runs upstairs. "Uhh. Well, how about some tv?" I ask Uma. She nods and we go into the living room.

I go over to Mal and Jay's shelves to see if they have anything to watch. It turns out, they're loaded full of movies and tv shows! "Come see this Uma!" I say beckoning for her to come over. She does and her eyes widden. "WOAH!" She exclaims. "What should we watch?" "How about Suicide Squad? I always see Mal and Jay watching it. I think it's their favorite." She says. I nod and pull the movie off the shelf. I put it in, and we're halfway through when Gil comes running downstairs tripping on his way down.

"UMA HARRY UMA HARRY UMA HARRY UMA HARRY UMA HARRY UMA HARRY UMA HAR-" He screams. "What is it?" I exclaim standing up. "You have to come look at this right now!" He says. "What is it? A spider?" "No!" He says shaking his head. "Then what is it?" "I don't know how to explain it! JUST COME LOOK!" He yells. Uma sighs and pauses the movie. He leads us upstairs into Mal and Jay's bedroom. There's an opened book sitting on their bed, and Gil picks it up. "Dude! That's Mal's diary!" I say trying to shut it. He doesn't let me. "No! Read this entry!" He says pointing at the one on the top of the page. I sigh and start reading it.

"Today was the worst day of my life. Ben basicly kicked me out of Auradon to fulfill my royal duties and expects me to be back in a week! As if! The government of the Isle is going to make me get married to someone I don't love as a married relationship, and then we have to rule the Island together! I mean, don't get me wrong, Jay is my best friend and I love him like he's my older brother that always knows what to do. But, something is off about him. It seems like he maybe cares about me a little too much to be friends. Maybe it's just my imagination. Although, something else bothers me and makes me sad besides Ben leaving us here. When Jay and I first got here, the Government pulled us aside, and told us that Ginny Gothel and Anthony Tremaine died. Which means Jay and I either have to rule forever until someone of our choice on the Isle becomes of age after we do, or we could go the other option. The other option is basiclly something I don't want to do. I don't want to have kids at age 17! So, they've given us till the end of the week to decide which one we want to do and we have to keep Ginny and Anthony's deaths a secret so nobody knows that! Ever since we arrived here, I've been really sad. Jay trys to cheer me up, and I thank him for that. He's dealing with his loss of leaving his girlfriend in Auradon too, where as I left my boyfriend in Auradon because he forced us to come over here! Besides Jay and I being King and Queen of the Isle of the Lost, we were also given a key to this secret room in our house. See our house was built for us before we got here, but the government put in this hidden room so no one would find the books and the crowns and all that royal stuff that belonged to villans before they were all senteced for life here."

I look up and we're all shocked. "Keep reading." Gil says. I start reading again.

"The key is hidden in my necklace that I wear every single day. Since Jay gave me the golden locket, they forced me to put a shrink spell on the key and put it inside my locket. They placed a spell on my locket, the only piece of jewelry I actually ever loved so that if that room was in danger my locket would heat up and it feels like burning on my skin. It hurts a lot when they tested it out when they got too close. My locket also alerts me to who is by the room and if they're authorized to go in or not. I've only been in the room once to put my spellbook inside. The government also told us if they Isle is ever threated we had to return to the room at once. I was also forced to hide my favorite dragon ring down there as well. The only reason I had to hide it was because of what is contained in it. Instead of letting me wear my own ring that contained the only thing that could stop the plauges and wars from happening again. No kids anywhere except for me and Jay know about the wars and plauges. Basiclly the wars could start up again if the Prisoners escape their cave jail and come to fight us again. The only way to stop them from attacking is what's hidden in my ring. No one really wants to go and kill them off because it's really dangerous. But if they do decide to attack, Jay and I will be the first Islanders to be notified so we can stop them. I hope we never have to."

I drop the book on the floor after Gil tells me to read the next entry from yesterday night. "The prisoners are getting stronger each day." "Gil, this is serious stuff we're dealing with here!" I yell. "I know! Which is why, I have this." Gil says holding up Mal's golden locket. "She took it off to fix it, and she forgot to put it back on because she was in a rush to get outta here with Jay. Where do you think they went?" Gil says. "I would guess the Government headquarters. It's in a secret building somewhere. Mal said it has a secret door and everything so it's really hard to find!" "Well, let's get the key out and go search this room!" Uma exclaims. Gil leads us out into the hallway after locking Mal's diary back up and putting it back where he found it. "Where should we start?" Gil asks.

"Jay! I know it has to be here somewhere! I remember taking it off last night to fix the chain since I broke the chain accidently, and now it's gone!" A hysterical sounding Mal exclaims. "They're back!" Uma hisses. "Hey Dragon calm down. We'll find it. Do you remember where you left it last?" Jay's voice rings out. "Yeah. I left it on the dresser next to your watch." "Let's go check then." Jay says. They come toward the stairs and we hide in the bathroom. They enter their bedroom and check the dresser. A loud sob escapes Mal's lips and then we hear Jay say, "Shh Baby. We'll find it. I promise." "Jay, if we don't find it they'll kill me. Or you. Or both of us! Or anyone of our friends!" Mal says between her sobbing. "Guys. This is killing me!" Gil says after an hour or so of hearing Mal crying.

Gil walks out quickly before we can say anything. "Hey um Mal? Are you looking for this?" I hear him ask. Apparently Mal needed that locket really bad because Uma and I can hear Gil saying he can't breath. We rush out and Mal's hugging the life out of him. Gil is turning purple and Jay is trying to pry Mal off of him. Once he does he grabs the locket and he clips it around Mal's neck. "Where were you?" Uma asks. Mal looks at Jay and they both blush.

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