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I didn't know where I was running. I didn't care either. Just as long as it was anywhere except Auradon Prep. I heard Ben screaming and yelling my name and I turned my head to see if he was coming one time. That's all it took for me to smash into what I think is a tree. 

It hurts but I keep running. I don't even notice when I feel water on my skin. Rain. My shoes fell off somewhere while I was running and I slip and slide everywhere because of the fresh patches of mud everywhere in the grass. 

I trip over a huge log that I fail to jump over. I fall over and it feels like my skull is smashing into pieces. When I try to open my eyes. All I see is black, and I lose my consciouness. When I wake up again, my body aches everywhere in pain. 

It's raining harder, but I stumble through because up ahead, I see buildings. I stagger towards the nearest one, and I fall time and time again. I can barely remember anything that just happened in the past few hours. Then it hits me. 

I fall over again, right onto the doorstep of a building that all it's lights are off. I feel like I'm dying, and I bet I look even worse than I feel. When I stand up again, I smash against the door from my pain in my legs and I fall against the door instead of getting into the building. 

I pound as hard as I can while injured on the door, but I'm losing my strength. I keep pounding on the door, until I just fall against the door again, my consciouness all gone just like that. 


"WAKE UP CARLOS!" I heard Jay scream. I wake up and stretch my arms over my head. "WE ARE GOING TO BE SO LATE IF YOU DON'T GET UP AND MOVE QUICKLY!!!!!" Jay screams again. "Okay Okay. Chill out Jay. Yeesh. The first appointment is at 7:30, and it's only 5:30!" I say looking over at my clock.

Jay rolls his eyes. "That clock is behind by an hour. We only have an hour to get everything ready! COME ON!" Jay yells. "Wow, you really need a girlfriend Jay." I say. He glares at me, and he throws my breakfast on the floor. 

He stomps out into the bathroom, and I see Dude eating my food. "DUDE!" I shout, but I just let him eat it. I pick up the platter and the shattered drinking glass. I dump the glass into the trash, and I go to the door to pick up the newspaper. 

I open the door, and someone falls in. More like, Mal falls in. I scream, and Dude starts barking by my feet. Mal is covered in cuts and bruises everywhere on her body, she has a thick coat of mud in her hair, and there's large amounts of a red liquid that looks a lot like blood. 

Judging by the way she's freezing to the touch, I can only assume she was outside in the rain, the entire night. "JAY!" I scream as loud as I can. "JAY COME QUICK!" 

"I'll be down in a minute Carlos." He calls down from upstairs. "THIS SITUATION CAN'T WAIT FOR A MINUTE! IT'S A VERY SERIOUS EMERGENCY!" I scream. That got him rushing downstairs. "Okay Carlos what's wrong?" He says his anger from a bit ago completly gone and replaced with worry. 

"It's Mal." I say. I step away from Mal's fallen form. "I found her laying like this when I opened the door." I say. He rushes over to her and picks her up. "Carlos, make a sign. We are closed today, and every appoint will be reschudled! HURRY!" He says and he takes Mal into one of our medical rooms. 

I make the sign and put it in the window. I run into the room that Jay is in with Mal. I come in, and he's trying to gently get all of the mud out of Mal's hair. "This will take too long at the rate I'm going.Please fill the tub with water. That will get most of the blood and mud off of her.And call Evie." Jay says. I nod and turn the faucet in the tub on. I plug the drain and run upstairs as Jay takes off Mal's dress to reveal her crop top and shorts. 

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