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"MAL!" Carlos screams. I don't even hesitate to jump down the ledge onto the rocks. The boat's driver can't see where he's going, and it's getting closer. Mal is crying harder, and I tear across the uneven rocks without falling or hesitating. I reach Mal, and I see her foots caught under a rock. I don't care what happened, I just want Mal safe. I lift the rock up and she quickly pulls her foot out. I drop the rock and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She leans her head on my shoulder, and she cries. Ben, Evie, and Carlos all stare in shock. Whatever. Like they would hesitate to save Mal. I love her, so of course I'd go save her. It's not that wierd. 

About 50 feet from where Mal was caught, she speaks. "Jay, put me down." "What?" I say. "Put me down. I want to try and walk." She says. "Okay. Be careful." I say and carefully set her down on her two feet. She wraps an arms around my waist, and I do the same to her. We walk slowly for another 50 feet when Mal stops. "What's wrong Lila?" I ask. She doesn't answer, and she pulls me towards her. Her arms wrap around my waist, and she hugs me, burying her face into my collarbone. 

I smile, and I hug her back. She stops and looks up at me. She's acutally not that short. Well, she's shorter than me. And Ben. And Carlos. And Evie. And just about everybody, but she's only a couple of inches shorter, even though she worked out a lot on the Isle by running around and climbing and stuff with me. 

"Genie, thanks for saving me." She says in a whisper. "Of course Violet." I don't care if Ben, Carlos, and Evie are watching us from 200 hundred feet away, and it looks like Mal doesn't either. She puts her arms around my neck and pulls my face down to hers in a kiss. She kisses me, and I kiss her back. The wind picks up around us as our forms stand there. Suddenly, water from the ocean splashes all over us, completly drenching us as it comes in, in an enormus wave from the boat. It doesn't stop us from our lip lock. 

When we finally part, Mal and I are completely soaked to the bone with ocean water. We start laughing and this time, it's my turn to kiss her. Another kiss happens, and then someone starts cheering loudly for us. Mal and I both break apart to this motion, and we glare at Carlos. He stops immediatly, and I turn to Mal. "Why did you run down to the ocean?" I ask gently. "I wanted to see if it was true. Two of the babies that were going to rule died." She says with heartbreak. "I know how much it hurts Mal." "Of course it does! I put up with nine months of those babies and they decide to die after all the pain they gave me!" She says. I smile at her attempt of humor. 

"Is your foot okay?" I ask. "Yeah. Magic can help. I'm sick of staying in bed all the time." She says. "But you don't miss me taking care of you." I say with a grin. She smiles back with a goofy grin. "Of I don't mind that part." She says. She punches me in my shoulder, and I fake being hurt. "Since when did you get stronger?" I ask. "Shut it Cobra. I know where you live." She says. "Well, of course you know. I'm your husband!" I protest. "Shush! Let's go. We should probably change before we both get sick." She says taking my hand and pulling me to where Carlos, Evie, and Ben are standing. 

We climb up, and Ben stares at Mal with worry. "Why were you down there anyways Mal?" Ben asks. "Well, I um. I wanted to see if what Carlos said was true." Mal mumbles. "And that would be?" Ben asks. "Back off Ben. You don't need to know everything." I hiss. I wrap my arm around Mal and she stops tensing after I do so. "Two of the babies died okay! It's what you want to know so bad! Now leave Mal alone!" I yell, and Mal and I walk away back to the dorms. She falls onto my bed in exshautment. I pull the covers over her, and I kiss her forehead. "Thanks Jay." She says and I barely have time to say anything as she drifts into sleep. 


People realativly leave us alone for a couple of months. Jay and I haven't gotten a chance to call Uma, Harry, and Gil yet because Ben took away our cell phones. Jay just got them back, so now we're going to call them and explain everything. "Catch Mal!" Jay calls to me and tosses my phone to me. I put it on speaker and Jay sits next to me on his bed. I dial Uma's number first. She doesn't answer. I try Harry next. He doesn't answer either. I sigh. I put my phone down, but Jay stops me. "Try Gil." He says. 

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