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This Dog in the picture is so cute! I hope I get a puppy version of this dog someday!


Mal goes hurtling towards the ground I look at Jay. He has a look on his face that tells me I'm not going to leave this forest without something broken. So I'm not generally surprised when he comes over and he punches the billboard in half. We all stand there and watch him break it further. When he's finished he walks back over to Mal and he picks her up. 

"Ben, for the last freakin time already, leave Mal alone! Why don't you get it? Mal doesn't love you anymore. 10 months ago when we were back in Auradon she loved you. When you dumped us here and didn't come back that's when she started to realize that you weren't coming back. After a month or so after we had been married by force, Mal and I both knew you weren't going to come back because of Evie. One day Evie's with Carlos. The next she's with you Ben. MAKE UP YOUR MIND! You can have whatever girl you want but leave Mal alone." Jay says and he walks back into the camoflage tent that was still sitting there. I look over at Evie and she's crying in Carlos's arms. Maybe Jay was right. He's starting to get a lot of things right lately. 


Mal is shaking and I can tell she's spiraling down into the deep dark depths of Memory Lane. Everybody gets it at least once in their lifetime. I hear Ben,Evie,Carlos,Uma,Harry,and Gil moving around outside and yelling. Someone knocks on the tent and Gil enters. "Hey Jay quick question. Hipathecitaclly speaking, if Mal got kidnapped, what would you do?" "She's not going to be kidnapped Gil. I'm not that stupid." "You're smart Jay. You figured it out before Ben could kidnap her!" He exclaims.

I roll my eyes and I think we need to get out of here-fast! I carefully lay Mal down and wrap her up in her cream polar fleece blanket again. I then grab my drawstring bag and walk outside the tent. Once there Ben and the others are arguing and they're too busy to notice me shrinking up the tent, putting it in my drawstring bag, shrinking my bag down to pocket size, putting it inside my pocket and zipping the pocket on my leather jacket closed,me sneaking to the edge of the clearing, and finally I slip into the trees. I run and run and run not caring about the distance. 

Once I get far enough away, I stop to recooperate. I look at the map and I see I only went 3 miles away. There's 100 miles of forest and it's easy to get lost. I glance around at my surroundings. I see a tall,skinny metal pole that clearly reads the numbers 20. I look back down at the map, and I see that mile marker 20 is on the right direction to the Prisoner's cave. 

I continue walking on the trail by following the poles that have the neon yellow marks on them. At mile 50,I hear something behind me. I dart behind a tree and I see Uma,Harry,and Ben. Gil,Evie,and Carlos aren't with them. I scramble up the tree into the thick branches with leaves at the top at the nick of time. Uma,Harry,and Ben come into the clearing where I just was. I can see them just fine, but they can't see me from my sucluded area in the tree tops. 

"We followed him all the way from the edge of the town, and we lost somewhere at that 20 pole!" Uma exclaims louder than normal. I listen closer and Ben says, "I just want to talk to Mal. You know, to clear things up." I roll my eyes again and I suddenly see Harry look up to where I'm hidden. He winks at me and Uma looks at him funny. "What are you looking at?" She asks. Harry turns his head ever so slightly to appear as if he was staring off into the distance instead of at me. "Oh nothing really. Just the sunset. You know, if Jay really was out here, wouldn't he have set up that tent and camped out?" Harry says. 

Uma shrugs. "You're a guy. You should know." Uma points out like it's the easiest thing he could've known in the world. "Anyways, why don't we just turn back? Jay and Mal have got to come out of this ugly forest sooner or later!" Uma says tired. "I guess your right. Where should we go then?" Ben asks. "Well since those wimps Carlos,Evie,and Gil refused to help us kidnap Mal, we should just go and break into Mal and Jay's house." Uma says. 

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