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Ben just looks at me blankly for a while. Evie and Carlos look at each other, then at Ben. Ben looks at me, and he's angry. "What's wrong Ben?" Evie asks with concern. "Yeah Ben. Your replacement girlfriend is worried about you." I say. I'm angry now. I try to control it though. If I go all psyco then someone will get hurt. I'm very strong. Just ask Gaston Jr. 

Evie starts crying and Carlos glares at me. "Jay, why'd you do that?" He asks. "Why shouldn't I? It's basicly what you guys did to us. You think we don't have wifi here? You're wrong. We have wifi now, and we saw everything you said about us. So I do have reason to be angry! You called us names so terrible I can't repeat it. You abondoned us just like everyone else in Auradon. Don't deny it. You did it. Mal knows. I know. Everyone on the Isle knows. You risked your lives just to be here. If they find out you're here, you will be dead faster than you can say sword." I say. 

Carlos and Evie bow their heads over in sorrow. Uma senses that I'm starting to get angry. She lays her hand on my arm, and she looks me straight in the eyes. "Jay, it's not worth it. I've got it. You need some fun. You haven't had some real fun in a while. You're coming with me. Gil, Harry, let's go." she says getting up. When I don't get up to leave, Harry stands up and comes over to me. "Go ahead Jay. I'll stay with Mal. Go have some fun." He says. "Are you sure Harry?" I ask. "I'm sure. Go. Just be home before 5 am." He says. Harry gently lifts Mal up so that I can get out. I get off the couch, and he sits down in my place. I don't really want to leave. "Harry, are you absouloty sure about this?" "Jay! Go. Have. Fun. Now!" He commands. "Fine. Fine. Since you insisted." I say. 


Jay, Uma, and Gil leave, and I turn on the tv, but keep the volume low. Mal tosses and turns in her sleep, and she doesn't stop. I lay my hands gently on her shoulders, and she stops. Ben, Evie, and Carlos are still here, and they're all watching me. I really don't like it. I sit with a sleeping Mal all the way through the night. It was really tough because she kept tossing and turning. She was muttering things in her sleep too, and I really wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how.

Evenutally the next morning when I awoke, Uma and Gil staggered in through Evil Queen's castle doors. Without Jay. Mal was awake too, and she was moving around slowly toward the kitchen, where Cruella, Evil Queen, and Ursula were making breakfast. "Where's Jay?" I ask when Mal's completely in the kitchen. "Jay?" Gil asks. He looks around. "He's gone!" Gil yells. "Shut up! Mal's right in the kitchen!" Uma says and clamps a hand over Gil's mouth.

Gil shuts up, and I ask again. "Where did you guys go? How did you manage to lose a King?" Gil looks guilty. So does Uma. "You didn't. You two didn't. No. Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did." "We did." Uma says quietly. "I told you not to tell me!" I exclaim. "We have to tell Mal." Uma says. I nod and she and Gil walk into the kitchen. Ben, Evie, and Carlos are in the kitchen as well, and Mal is backed up as far from them as possible. 

She still looks terrible, but I always think she's beautiful. I did have a huge crush on her, but she's Jay's. I would never take her away from him. The reason why I say she looks terrible, is beacause her purple hair is dark again, and it everwhere. It's sticking up in places, and she's pale. Her eyes are a washed up green, and she's frail. Her lips are the color of water. Cruella notices, and she says, "Here dear, take this blanket." Mal reaches for it, and she takes it. She drops it though, and she gasps. She can't do it because she's weak still. 

I walk up behind her, and I take it from the table top. They're all staring at me, and I wrap the blanket around Mal slowly. She looks warmer already, and she looks up at me. "Thank you Harry." She says. "You're welcome." I say. Uma and Gil take chairs and pull them up to the table. "Where's Jay?" Mal asks to no one in particular. Uma and Gil look down. "Uma, Gil, where's my husband?" Mal asks again. They still don't answer her.

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