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"This, is my mom?" I ask her. She nods her head yes, and she leans her head on me. "Turn it around Jay." She says. I turn the picture around, and I read the names. "Is this true?" I ask. "I don't know. It belongs to your dad. Look." She says and points to the top right corner where a small Jafar is written in my dad's handwriting. 

I throw the towel out of my hands and I take Mal's hand and I walk towards the door. "Where are you going?" Harry calls out. "We're going to see my father to make him explain everything. Stay in the guest rooms if we're not back by sundown." I say and Mal and I walk out the door. 

We start at a walk, but Mal starts to run. "Hey! No fair you cheater!" I yell and run after her. She starts laughing and I soon join her. I accidently crash into her as she stops running. "Mal, what is it?" I ask looking around. "Look!" She hisses pointing at something in front of her. It's my dad and two other people that look vaguely familiar. "Is that Jasmine and Aladdin?" I ask. She nods. 

We run silently to catch up to them, and they go into my dad's house. I glance at Mal and she nods. Together we walk to the door and I knock on it. I hear people shuffling around, and suddenly the door pulls open. "J J Jay. What are you doing here! Mal, looking better I say!" Jafar says. 

Mal cocks her head to one side staring at my dad. "Dad, we want to talk to you." I say. "Um. Sure, come on in I guess." Jafar says. He leads us inside, and Mal takes my hand. I squeeze it and she smiles. "Go ahead into the living room. I have other guests as well. I was expecting you to come over sooner or later." My dad says and I lead Mal to the living room. Jasmine and Aladdin are sitting in the only two chairs my dad has in his living room. 

So I end up leaning against the counter, and Mal sat on the counter. She loves to do that a lot. My dad comes into the living room and he takes his place in his seat in the wall. He made it when I was a toddler. He called it his 'alone' space when he wanted to get away from me like I was a shame to him. I always thought it was just his Isle side, but maybe now it might true. 

"So Jay, Mal, what did you need to talk about?" My dad asks. "Well Dad, we wanted to talk to you about our parents." I say. "You're parents?" He says. "Yes. Like Mal's mom is Malificent, and you're my dad, but who's my mom? And what about Mal's Dad?" I ask. "That isn't ever to be discussed!" My dad hisses his eyes turning black. 

"Dad, why do you keep our other parents a secret? Are they that bad that you can't speak of them?" I ask. "Yes." "Then why are they sitting in your living room?" Mal asks. My dad gets up, but I stand in front of Mal. "Dad, she was just asking a question." I say. "A stupid one! Jasmine and Aladdin are NOT your other parents!" He spits out. 

"Then why does this photo say otherwise!" I say showing him the photo. "Where did you get that!?" He hisses. I look at Mal for an answer. "I was cleaning up some glass, and it was wedged between the wall and the couch right under the window." Mal says gripping both of my hands. She's truely afraid of my father. He's just that scary sometimes. But Malificent is definetly scarier. That's who I will say is scary. 

"Why were you cleaning up some glass?" He asks. "She accidently broke some picture frames." I say. "Fine. Yes. I don't know who the heck put that picture there, but it's true. Aladdin is Mal's dad, and Jasmine is your mom. Happy now? Good, leave!" He commands but neither of us move. "Dad, I don't know if you remember, but we're in charge of the Isle. You can't command us to do anything." I say. 

He growls and that's when I think it's best we leave. "Nevermind Dad. Have a fun time with the people you actually care about instead of your own son and daughter in law." I say. I walk out and Mal hops off the counter and follows me. I slam the door after she's out, and we start walking back to our house. "Jay?" She says when we're at the front door. 

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