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'Good morning Ash, Mimey and I were thinking about going to the markets today, would you like to come?' Delia asked Ash, as she came into the kitchen.

'Oh sure Mum, when we get back I'll call Serena, and Clemont and Bonnie.' It had been a week since Ash had last talked to Serena, and was very keen to talk to her.

His mum had a knowing look in her eye. 'Of course.' First Bonnie, now his mum? Did they know more than he did in regards to his feelings toward Serena? 'You can bring your Kalos pokémon if you like.'

'Mime, Mr Mime!' Mr Mime sang. The psychic (beacause I refuse to call that thing a fairy type *shudders*) pokemon started to eat, Pikachu joining in. The family sat in silence for a bit, all busy eating.

Once they had finished eating, Delia stood up. 'I'm going to get changed, then we go? But you must brush your teeth mister!' Ash sheepishly smiled.

After Ash had brushed his teeth, and Delia had finshed changing, mother, son and pokémon started to walk out of the house. As Ash walked, he sent out Hawlucha, Noivern, and Talonflame. Talonflame and Noivern flew into the sky, Hawlucha walking along side his trainer.

'When I watched you in the Kalos League, you had a full team of six. Where did the other two go?' His mum asked.

'Goodra went back to the wetlands where it came from when it was a Goomy. It went back because of all it's friends, and it needed to protect them as well.' Ash said, looking away so his mum couldn't see his frown. 'Greninja was called by Squishy, who is Zygarde, to try and rid Kalos of those red vines. I miss them both, but I know I'll see them again.'

His mum paused. 'I know you will too.' There was silence for some time, Ash watching Noivern and Talonflame soar in the sky, his mum watching Ash. 'Could you tell me about Serena?'

Ash tried to hide the blush on his cheeks. 'What do you want me to tell you about her?'


'Well, she is amazing. And super strong too! She chose Fennekin as her starter, which evolved into Braixen. She caught a Pancham, an Eevee, which evolved in to Sylveon. She's smart and brave.' Ash blabbered on.

Delia smiled. 'Do tell me more.'

'She cut her hair, which used to be super long, but now it's short. I met her at the pokémon camp that was here in Kanto. She helped me see sense after I lost my gym battle with Wulfric. She almost won the title of Kalos Queen.' Ash stopped as they had reached the markets.

There were stalls everywhere. Stalls with Berries, crates overflowing with the colourful fruits. There were stores with stones, Thunder Stones, Water Stones, Fire Stones, and many more. There were stalls with rare pokéballs, Love Balls, Dusk Balls, and even Ultra Balls. Stalls with clothes.

There were even stalls that had little games. Games where you had to knock over bottles by throwing a ball, a pokémon quiz, and many more. But there was one stall that intrigued Ash the most. There were swarms of people around it. It had a banner saying, 'Win a FREE trip to Alola!' There were many groans and shouts of frustration coming from the stall.

'Well that certainly looks interesting. Ash, Mimey, would you like to have a look?' Mr Mime and Ash both nodded. 'Maybe we wait until the crowd has lessened?'

Ash wandered around the markets, carefully avoiding the stone shop, just in case Pikachu got too close to a Thunder Stone. When he walked past the pokéball stall, the man who was manning the stall looked at Ash and said, 'You boy! You look lovesick, here have a Love Ball to give to your girl.' He gave Ash the pink pokéball.

'Uh well, I uh don't love anyone.' Ash stuttered.

The man winked. 'Sure you don't.'

Pikachu hopped down, and make kissy faces at Ash. His face went red.

'Ah, so you do like someone. Give it to her.'

'Oh um, thank you.' Ash said, and walked off, Pikachu being held up by Ash, who held his pokémon in his hands, arms length away. He was still making kissy faces.

After looking at the stalls for a bit, he saw his mother and Mr Mime outside the stall with the free trip to Alola. 'The crowd's died down a bit. Shall we try our luck?' His mum asked.

'Yup!' Ash said. They all went in, and saw a man behind a small machine.

'Would you like to try your luck?' The man said. '200 pokédollars please.'

'Is that for all of us?' Delia asked. The man shook his head. 'Oh Mimey, how about you do it? You might have the best luck.' Delia gave the man the money, and Mr Mime went to stand in front of the machine.

'What ya need to do is; you put your marble into the machine, in one of these holes.' He gestured to the holes, just big enough to fit a marble inside. 'If the marble comes out, you win. If it doesn't you lose.'

Mr Mime nodded. The man gave the pokémon the marble, and Mr Mime put the small marble into one of the holes. There was a tense moment of silence.

'Well it looks lik-' The man stopped, as the marble had plopped onto the table. 'I mean, it looks like you are going to Alola!'

Hellooooo there. New chapter now my friends :). This is probably going to be the last one for awhile, as I now have exams coming up, which means I have to study D': Soon, it's going to be my birthday! So on that day, I'll be posting a small video with some facts about me. So, look forward to that.

QOTD: What is your favourite psychic type? Mine's Latias! It's honestly so adorable.

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Hannah <3

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