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'Ash, don't you want to be outside doing things in Alola?' Delia asked.

Ash, Pikachu, and Delia were in the hotel room, watching the last few co-ordinators finish their performances. 'Not yet Mum, I want to see Serena win first!'

'Okay then, but we have to deliver that egg today. Remember that!'

As his mother and Mr Mime went to the balcony to watch the world go by, Ash carried on watching the contest. They had both already seen Serena do the first round, and was waiting for her appearance for the battle round.

Finally, the first round had been completed, and the first battle was about to commence. Serena was not in this one, so it meant Ash couldn't see how she was doing. The battle on screen was between a boy and his Huntail, and a girl and her Flaaffy.

The both of them battled beautifully, but in the end, the use of combinations gave the girl the win. It went to advertisements for a bit, but then went to the battle with Serena, and a boy with a Roserade. His meter was almost completely dimished, and Serena's only had a sliver taken off.

'Sylveon, Swift!' Serena said. Sylveon made stars with her tail, which collided with Roserade. The Roserade's meter competely dimished, which meant Serena won.

'Serena and Sylveon win!' The offical said. Sylveon jumped into Serena's arms. 'They go on to battle with Winnie and her Flaaffy!'

Ash was extremely proud of Serena. The TV cut to advertisements, which were some sort of food called a 'malasada'. It looked appetising, so Ash made a mental note to try one later.

'And we're back! Now we have the battle between Serena, and her Sylveon, and Winnie and her Flaaffy.'

Serena threw her pokéball, and Sylveon popped out. 'Are you ready Sylveon? Let's win this!' Sylveon made a determined, 'eon!' and went into a battle stance.

The other girl, Winnie, threw her pokéball, which was a soft pink, yellow and blue. Her Flaafy appeared. 'Let's get this over and done with Flaaffy.'

Ash felt a bit miffed. That girl, beat Serena? No way. Especially with Sylveon, which had to be one of the best at dodging attacks.

'Sylveon, Moonblast!' Sylveon made a pink glowing ball, and hurled it towards Flaaffy.

'Flaaffy, Discharge!' Flaaffy hit the Moonblast, making bolts of electricity flash in the pink ball. It was sent flying towards Sylveon.

'Swift, Sylveon!' Serena cried. Sylveon swiped its tail, and stars shot out, and collided with the Moonblast and Discharge, sending it towards Flaaffy, hitting it square on. Its meter went down a signification amount, with only two thirds to go. 'Double Team!'

Sylveon closed her eyes, and twenty duplicates appeared with a pop, surrounding Flaaffy. 'Now, Swift again!' Each Sylveon swiped her tail, and stars hit the Flaaffy. Flaaffy's meter had about a quarter left.

'Okay Flaaffy, I know we can win this!' Winnie said. 'Discharge!'

'Protect!' As Flaaffy made electricity, each Sylveon protected itself by producing a transparent blue screen. The electricity made contact with the screen, and fizzled out. Flaaffy's meter went down. There was only an eighth left, with time only half way through.

'Moonblast!' Each Sylveon made a pink glowing ball, and hurled it towards Flaaffy. Each one hit its mark, and the battle was over.

'Congratulations to Serena and Sylveon, the winners of the Verdanturf Town pokémon contest!' The offical said.

Sylveon jumped into Serena's arms. With her pokémon in her arms, she received the orange ribbon.

Delia came back into the room. 'So Serena won? How wonderful!'

'Yeah,' Ash said, 'I'm really proud of her.'

'Well, we need to go now. We need to deliver the egg now, okay?'

Pikachu climbed on Ash's shoulder, and they left the room. The last thing Ash saw on the TV was Serena's beaming face, and with a pang, he realised how beautiful she was.

'Are you ready Ash?' His mum asked.

Ash looked at Pikachu, and nodded. 'Yeah mum, let's go.'

New chapter up! I am now offically off school for 2 months! Yipee! We also got 4000 reads!!!! Honestly thank you so so so much! I hope to get 5k before the end of the year, and I'm fairly sure we can do it. Also, a new chapter will be posted tomorrow, and I think you'll like it :D

QOTD: Favourite fire type? Mine is Arcanine, I have one in my Ultra Moon, and it's called Simon. He has been very clutch in some parts of the game.

Don't forget to vote and comment! :D

Hannah <3

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