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This is where it will start to diverge from the S/M Anime. Enjoy :D

'Welcome to the Trainer's School, I am Professor Kukui. Woo!' Delia and Ash followed the tall Professor through the hallways of the school. 'You're Ash Ketchum, yeah? Heard a bit about cha. Almost won the Kalos league?'

Delia looked a bit frazzled. 'Ash almost did. Where's Mr Oak? We have an egg for him from his brother in Kanto.'

'What else do you do Professor?' Ash asked.

Kukui puffed out his chest. 'I study pokémon moves. I also help out my wife in her research.'

'And what does your wife research?' Delia probed.

'Top secret, you only know if you go on the Island Challenge.' He said.

Ash and Pikachu looked at each other. 'The Island Challenge? What's the Island Challenge?'

As they walked, Kukui told them about the Island Challenge. From what Ash could understand of it, there are seven trials, and seven trial captains. Firstly, you had to do some sort of task, then face the Totem pokémon, which was more powerful than their normal counterparts.

'No one knows how they get so powerful. My wife thinks it may be from a legendary pokémon, but she can't be sure. But after you beat the Totem pokémon, you receive a Z-Crystal, yeah?' Kukui said excitedly. 'They turn normal moves into powered up moves of that type! But they are so draining, you can use only one per battle. Woo!'

Delia looked at Ash, and smiled sadly. His eyes were lit up, and as his mother, she could tell that she would be flying home alone. 'How do you start the Island Challenge?'

'You just need to get an amulet from the Island Kahuna!'

'A Kahuna? Is that like a gym leader?' Ash asked.

Kukui shook his head. 'Nah. They supervise the island, helping anyone in need. Also, they control the Grand Trials, which means that then you can go to the next island. It's always been great to see what kind of moves each trial-goer brings to the table.' They stopped in front of a door. 'Here we are. Principal Oak's office. Woo!' He pushed open the door, to reveal a man sitting behind a desk. There was a white and blue egg in front of him.

'Ah, it's you Kukui.' The man said. 'You really do need to learn how to knock. Alolans are very different to Kantoians.' He looked at Ash and Delia, who was holding the egg. 'Ah. I see. You have brought the egg for my class.'

Delia bowed. She placed the egg on his desk. 'Yes, Samson.'

'If you wish, Ash, you could attend one of our classes during your stay here.' Principal Oak said. 'You could meet some of our students, who are about your age.'

Ash's mother looked at Ash, who looked very excited. 'I think we could arrange that for sometime.' She said with a sigh.

'Well, Delia,' Oak said, 'You have only two days until you leave. What will you do?'

She looked at Ash and Pikachu, and smiled. 'Spend my time with my boy until he leaves on his next adventure in Alola.' There was a pause, with Delia bringing Ash into a hug. 'We best be going now,' She said, her chin still on Ash's head. 'But thank you for being so kind to us, Samson and Professor Kukui.'

'No problem Delia. Thank you for bringing the egg.' Principal Oak said.

'Yeah, no worries. I'll lead you out, yeah? You probably got lost with all the corridors.' Kukui offered.

As they walked, Ash looked in the classrooms. He saw different aged classes, anything from younger than Bonnie or Max, to a couple of years older than him.

There was a class that had about the same age as him. Ash saw a boy with green hair, a girl with black hair, and another girl with dirty-blonde hair.

'Come on Moon! You too Melissa! We have to go to the Malasada shop, I heard they now have more flavours!' The green haired boy said. 'Hey! Professor Kukui!' He waved, and ran out to meet the professor, the girls behind him.

'Hey cousin! How's that Pichu of yours goin'?' said the professor.

Hau put his hands behind his head. 'My Pichu's great! I think he's going to be a strong Raichu one day!' He looked at Ash, who had Pikachu on his shoulder. 'You have a Pikachu! Are you gonna evolve it?'

'My Pikachu evolve? No, he doesn't want to evolve. Do you buddy?' Pikachu shook his head wildly.

'We should have a battle one day! I'm Hau, by the way.'

'I'm Ash.'

The dirty blonde-haired girl poked her head around Hau. 'I'm Melissa, the brains of this group.'

'Hi! My name is Moon.' The black haired girl said, smiling widely. 'Your Pikachu is adorable!'

Kukui started to say something, but was interupted by Melissa. 'Are you a new student?'

Ash shook his head. 'No, just visiting Alola. I'm going to do the Island Challenge!'

'Cool!' Hau said. 'I'm going to do it when Pichu evolves.'

'It won't be long,' said Moon. 'Considering how many malasadas you feed it. I'm surprised it can move!'

Hau held up his pokéball. 'Pichu does - '

'Well Ash!' Said Kukui. 'I think we should get going, yeah?'

The group of friends waved, Hau reminding Ash that they should have a battle. Ash, Delia and Kukui carried on, and left the building.

'What do you think of the Pokémon School cousin?' Kukui said. 'It's pretty cool, yeah?'

Ash and Pikachu nodded. 'Yeah!'

'Thank you very much Professor. I very much appreciate you helping us.'

Kukui shrugged it off. 'No problem cuz. Ash is welcome any time at my lab if he ever needs it.'

'Thanks Professor!' Ash said.

'Shall we go to the beach now Ash?' Delia asked her son. He nodded quickly, then ran full speed with Pikachu galloping behind. Delia shook her head, then slowly made her way to the beach, her eyes looking at every branch and stone. She noticed a flash of yellow, and her gaze following it to where it stopped behind a tree, watching her son.

Hola. It is indeed me. You probably don't remember me as I haven't posted in awhile. Just there has been a lot on my plate. I had my ballet recital. My Grandad is really sick. I'm starting to have some panic attacks. I'm really sorry. I know most of you will understand but there will be just some people who think I can just write all the time, which is certainly not the case.

QOTD: Who is your favourite Professor in pokémon? Mine is Professor Burnet, she is really motherly to Lillie which I find so adorable.

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

Hannah <3

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