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'So you are going to Alola?' Clemont asked. As soon as they had won the trip to Alola, he had run to the pokémon center to ring his friends.

'Yup! We can go whenever we want!' Ash happily said.

Dedenne climbed on Bonnie's head. 'That is so cool! Have you told Serena?' her eyes narrowed.

'Uh, not yet. You are the first people I called.'  Ash said. 'What have you guys been doing?'

'We saw Squishy and Greninja yesterday!' Bonnie exclaimed.

Clemont nodded. 'We did. Squishy – er – Zygarde told us there were some of those evil vines in Lumiose, and that's why we saw Greninja.'

Ash couldn't be more happier. 'How is Greninja?'

'Greninja seemed good. It wasn't as happy it was when it was with you, but it has a purpose and that's what Greninja needs.' Clemont said. 'So how did you win the trip to Alola?'

'Mr Mime won a game.' Ash said.

'You have a Mr Mime?' Bonnie cried.

Ash shook his head. 'It's not mine, or even my mum's. One day, when I was little, mum said that this Mr Mime just came in, and started helping mum with things.'

Clemont stratched his chin. 'That's very unusual.'

'When are you going to go to Alola?' Bonnie asked. 'What pokémon are you going to see? Cute ones, I bet!'

'We don't know. We might go in maybe a week, but I'll keep you posted.' Ash replied. 'I don't know what sort of pokémon I'll see Bonnie.'

'Cute ones, I'll bet! Clemont, can we go?' Bonnie pleaded.

'No, Bonnie, I would love to go too, but we can't. It's too far away.'

Bonnie made a 'humph!' noise, and folded her arms. Dedenne, still on Bonnie's head, did the same.

'We were meant to meet Trevor! He said he had a picture of a rare pokémon. Come on Bonnie, let's go! Bye Ash!' Clemont said, dragging Bonnie away from the videophone, making Dedenne fall off her head. The call abruptly ended.

'Well that was odd. Shall we call Serena, Pikachu?' Ash said. Pikachu nodded. Ash dialed for Hoenn, and called for Serena.

'Dialing Serena Yvonne.' The videophone monotoned.

'Hi Ash!' Serena said. Ash noticed the background was slightly different, which probably meant she was in a different town. She smiled widely, a hint of pink on her cheeks.

'Hi Serena. Are you in a different town?' Ash asked.

Serena looked surprised. 'Yes, I am. How did you notice?'

'Oh um, I've been there!' Ash rushed.

'So you've been to Rustboro City?' Serena said. 'I have a contest here tomorrow!'

Ash nodded. 'I did a gym battle there. What pokémon are you using?'

'This time I'm using Pancham. He can use some great combinations, with his Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, and Arm Thrust! We've been working hard all week!' Serena exclaimed.

'That's good. But I called you to say I'm going to Alola! Mr Mime won us a trip.' Ash said.

'Wow! When are you going?' Serena asked.

Pikachu climbed onto Ash's shoulder. 'We don't know. But I think we can go whenever we want.' He paused. 'Do you think you'll be going to Alola, Serena?'

Her face went thoughtful. 'I would love too! Alola looks amazing! But I don't know when.'

'Maybe we can meet up in Alola!' Ash exclaimed excitedly.

Serena went pink. 'Yeah!' She stopped. 'But you'll be busy trying to be a pokémon master, and I'll be busy setting up an Alolan showcase.' She said sadly.

'I would pause my journey for you Serena.' Ash said. Serena went bright red, and Ash, realizing what he said, went red too.

'Ash! Are you sick again?' Serena said, now looking worried. 'Are you okay? You need some rest!'

'What?! No, I'm not sick, sorry it, uh, just slipped.' Ash stuttered.

Serena looked relieved. 'Oh thank goodness!'

'I'm sorry about what I said before. But I would like to travel with you again Serena.' Ash sincerely said.

Serena smiled. 'It's okay Ash!' She looked down. 'I'm really sorry, but is it okay if I go? I would like to practise with Pancham more.'

'That's fine. Bye!' Ash said. 'I'll be watching you tomorrow.'

'Bye Ash!' The call ended. Ash sighed, and placed his hand on the screen of the videophone, closing his eyes, not knowing that in Hoenn, Serena was doing the same.

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! 900 READS WHAT. Thank you all so so so so much!! This probably means that I'll get my birthday wish of getting 1k reads on this book. ?!?!? I might post a factfile about me, post in the comments if you would like to see that, and if you want to read it, or listen to it.

QOTD: What is your favourite ice type? Mine is either Amaura (honestly so adorable), or Alolan Ninetales.

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

Hannah <3

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