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Ash and Hau were eagerly waiting at the airport, waiting for Serena, Crystal, and Hannah. He was excited to see his friends, especially Serena. Even more, he was excited to see if either Hannah or Crystal would battle him.

'What terminal will they be coming from?' Hau asked him.

Ash slumped. 'I don't know!'

'Come on Eevee, we need to meet up with Hannah.' A girl with dark brown hair, a khaki top, and black shorts walked past them.

Hau looked at the girl. 'That's Hannah's cousin! I met her once.' He started walking in direction the girl went. Ash followed him. They ended up in an area with seating, and a huge window facing the tarmac. A plane had hit the runway, and was now slowing down. A Latias symbol decorated its side.

The plane aligned with a hallway that extended out to the tarmac from the terminal. Soon, footsteps could be heard.

First, people Ash didn't recognize came out, probably people coming to Alola to have a holiday. Then, Serena (and Swablu), Hannah, and Crystal appeared, all with big smiles on their faces. Ash only saw Serena, her sweet smile made Ash's sight tunnel only to her.

Serena started to run, her bag bouncing up and down on her back. She barreled Ash into a hug, face ever so slightly red. 'Ash! I missed you so much!'

'I missed you too Serena.' Ash hugged her back. He could feel his face heating up, but he didn't know why.

'Hau!' Hannah shouted. 'Oh Hau I missed you!' She laughed at her pun, and then hugged her friend, who was grimacing after the pun. She then looked around, and saw the dark haired girl. 'Oh my Arceus! Susan!' She sprinted to the girl, and tackled her into a hug.

Susan hugged her back. 'I missed you too. Did you catch any pokémon that could be in the Cute Squad?'

'I mean of course. Look!' She sent out her Eevee and her Ampharos.

Susan nodded approvingly. 'Both certainly belong in the Cute Squad. Do you want to go to Sawsbucks?'

'I thought you hated coffee.' Hannah pulled a face. 'I suppose it's for the 'aesthestic' isn't it?' Her cousin nodded. 'Ugh fine. Crystal, Hau, Serena and Ash? You wanna go to Sawsbucks?'

The four bobbed their heads up and down. Crystal, Serena, and Hannah collected all their things, and followed Susan to a busy coffee shop in the middle of town. They ordered drinks (Susan ordering coffee, Hannah rolling her eyes) and sat down at a table.

'Do Mum and Dad know I'm back?' Hannah asked. 'I haven't talked to them in a couple of days. I wanted it to be a surprise.' Susan shook her head. 'Cool. I'll fly to Poni soon.'

'Will you fly home on Togekiss?' Crystal asked.

Hannah shook her head. 'I'll be flying on a Charizard.'

Serena looked at her confused. 'But you don't have a Charizard.'

Hannah pulled out a small device from her bag. 'This is a ride pager. You can get certain types of pokémon to help with tasks.' She fiddled with it, and a Stoutland appeared. 'See?' She pushed a button, and the normal type disappeared.

'That is so cool!' Crystal said. 'So you can get Charizard with one of those?'

'Not exactly,' Hannah replied, 'I tried catching a Lapras once. My pokéball just bounced off.'

After the six finished their drinks (Susan mainly spitting hers out, then eventually putting it in the bin), Hannah lead the group to an apartment complex. She received three keys from the desk, and a sheet of paper with information. They went into a lift, and Hannah pressed the button for the top floor. While in the lift, she gave Serena and Crystal a key. They stepped out of the lift, and came to a door, which Hannah opened with her key.

Straight in front of them was a huge window that faced the sparkling ocean. The floor was a light wood, the walls white, with a feature wall of blue that had the TV screwed to it. There was a cream couch with blue pillows, and a blue chair with a ocean like blanket draped across it. A blue rug was on the floor.

Looking to the right, was the kitchen. It had a silver stove, a microwave (Easily the most important thing in the kitchen), and an oven. The benchtop was a cream, the drawers the colour of the floor with blue handles.

There were two hallways going out from each side. Hannah told Serena and Crystal that their rooms were to the left, and hers, and the bathroom, were to the right. Crystal ran like a little kid to the left hallway, and turned left again.

'Okay. This one is mine!' She squealed.

The feature wall was a beautiful baby blue, the carpet a light grey. Pressed against the blue wall, was a bed with zig-zags of blue, white, and small strips of yellow of the duvet cover. On either side of the bed, were some bedside tables (oh my god Hannah what are you doing), with yellow lamps on top of each one. There was also a desk, with notepads, pens and pencils. There was a rack for holding pokéballs. A window showing Hau'oli City was to the left.

'I'm glad you like it. I did pick this one for you after all.' Hannah grinned.

Crystal hugged her friend. 'This is amazing!'

'Shall we go to Serena's one now?' Hannah said.

Serena, Crystal, and Ash nodded. Hau and Susan were more interested in channel surfing on the TV in the living room. They went across the hallway to Serena's room.

Serena's room was similar to Crystal's but was pink. The duvet was pink and purple swirls. Instead of seeing Hau'oli City, Serena had the same view as the living room, which was the ocean. Swablu curled up on Serena's bed.

'Wow!' was the only thing Serena could say. 'Thank you so much! How did you plan this?'

'I have my ways.' said the brunette, winking. 'Off to my room and the bathroom I guess.'

Hannah's room was turquiose, and her bedspread was a light turquiose with pink and peach flowers sprinkled around it. She also had some trinkets around the room, some photos of her and friends, and soft toys on the bed.

'So yeah. That's my room. Pretty similar to your bedrooms. The bathroom's not special. Just so we can do our business.'

In the bathroom was a toilet, a shower, and a sink. When they went in, they all shrugged.

'Okay, I'm getting really warm.' Crystal moaned, rolling up her navy blue leggings after slumping on the chair in the living room. 'Can we go into the store to get some clothes?'

Hannah nodded. 'Yeah, I always forget how hot Alola is.'

'Let's go shopping!' Serena squealed. Ash slumped. 'And you're coming!'


All the girls had bought new clothes. Hannah had changed from her pink top and jeans to white and black flowy short, a seafoam shirt, and brown sandals. Crystal had changed from from her navy blue leggings and cream long sleeve with a black collar to a blue cold shoulder shirt, light blue shorts, and boots. Serena changed from her normal outfit to a yellow sundress with white flowers scattered around the material, and switched her red hat for a straw one with Ash's ribbon wrapped around it.

After they changed in their apartment, and showed their friends their new looks. Hannah and Crystal caught Ash looking at Serena with a pink tinge on his face. They looked at each other, smirking.

'How about we go out for dinner?' Crystal offered.

'Sure!' Everyone chimed in.

HEYYO. Happy Easter everybody! Hope you get so much chocolate.

QOTD: Okay, so I want to know if I had a public Instagram account, if you would follow me or not. If you don't have instagram, what other social medias you have. It would be for geeky things, so not for personal things and faces.

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

Hannah <3

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