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Just to eliminate any confusion, I'm basing my Professor Kukui off the Professor in the games. He loses so much character in the anime.

As Ash was roaming the area around Kukui's lab, his Kalos pokédex buzzed. He opened it, and saw that there was a missed call from someone in Hoenn. He ran into the lab. 'Where is the nearest pokémon center?' He quizzed Kukui.

'You need a pokémon center? So you go out the exit, and turn left. You'll see one quite close.' Kukui said.

Ash sprinted out the door. 'Thanks Professor! Come on Pikachu!' Pikachu hurriedly ran after his trainer. They ran to the entrance of Kukui's lab, turned left, and sprinted to the pokémon center they saw in the distance.

He threw himself through the door, and hurtled to the single videophone situated in the corner. 'Serena Yvonne, Hoenn region.'

'Calling Serena Yvonne.' There was only one ring, then Serena's tired face appeared on screen. Her bright blue eyes were more dull than usual, and were filled with tears.

'Hi Sere- are you okay? What's wrong?' Ash said. He noticed the grey light around her, and none of the lights were on. Only the light from the screen illuminated her face. 'What time is it?'

Quietly she said, 'I'm sorry Ash. I shouldn't have called you.'

Ash shook his head. 'It's fine Serena. Now, tell me, what's wrong?' He gently said.

'I – I had a nightmare.' She whispered. Her eyes filled with tears again.

'Oh.' He wished he was there is Hoenn, helping her through her time of need. 'Could you tell me about it?'

Serena nodded shakily. 'I guess. I had this nightmare first last week. It was back in Kalos. There was those red vines everywhere, and we were – we – were facing Zy-zygarde and Lysandre. There was Clemont, you, me and – and Bon-bonnie.' Her voice broke. 'And Lysandre ordered Zygarde to bring down the vi-vine on us. You pushed me and Clemont pushed Bonnie away and you and Clemont and all our pokémon go-go-got cru-crushed.' She started to cry.


'And then I had the dream again tonight!' She blabbered. 'This time, I couldn't save Bonnie! Even in a dream, I'm useless!'

Ash was angry that Serena thought that. 'No Serena! You are not useless! You are brave and smart and amazing and beautiful...'

Serena with tears glistening in her eyes, and her hands to her mouth, was in disbelief. 'Bea-beautiful?' She flushed red.

'Uh, um, well... I guess.' He flushed red as well.

'Thank you Ash.' She smiled wanly.

There was silence for a bit. 'What time is it there anyway?'

'Oh, I'm not quite sure. It's pretty early.' Serena sleepily said. 'Thank you, you made me feel a lot better Ash.'

Ash shrugged it off. 'No problem Serena. I know you would do the same for me.' Serena yawned. 'I think you need to go back to sleep. Your pokémon would be worried about you.'

Serena nodded. 'I will. Bye Ash.'

'See ya Serena. Remember to call me if you get that nightmare again.' He waved. Serena waved back, and the call ended.

Petting Pikachu, Ash said, 'I almost wish I was in Hoenn, Pikachu. I wish I could be there for Serena.' Pikachu nodded. They both left the pokémon center, only to hear distressed cries from a pokémon.

Pikachu ran ahead, ears pricked, and galloped to a spot behind some trees. Ash sprinted after his pokémon, to see a small beige coloured rotund creature being tormented by some Fearow.

'Hey! Stop it!' Ash yelled. 'Pikachu, Thunderbolt!' His pokémon launched a volt of electricity at the Fearow. It hit, and the Fearow flew away in panic. The pokémon that was being harrassed was still on the ground, quivering in fear. Ash took a closer look, and saw it was badly injured. 'We have to get it to the pokémon center!'

Ash ran to the pokécenter, and gave Nurse Joy the pokémon to heal.

'How did this Rowlet get in so much trouble?' She asked.

'It was attacked by some Fearow.' puffed Ash.

Nurse Joy's assistants, a wreath of flowers called a Comfey, and a Blissey wheeled away Rowlet, Nurse Joy said, 'You can pick up Rowlet tomorrow.'

'Okay, but it's not my pokémon.' said Ash. He and Pikachu went back to Kukui's lab, where the Professor was waiting for them.

'Hey Ash! Something arrived in the mail just for you! It's your new Alolan pokédex, yeah? It's also special, cousin! It has a Rotom in it. Woo!' He handed Ash a pokédex, but it seemed hollow, empty. 'Come inside and I'll put Rotom in it!'

Ash followed Professor Kukui, holding his pokédex. He looked around, and didn't see a Rotom at all.

'Come on out Rotom! We have a pokédex for you. Woo!' Out of the TV, a Rotom zipped out. It flew into the pokédex in Ash's hand.

It flew out of Ash's hand, and floated in front of him. 'Zzt! Oh this feels better! Thankzzzz Professor! Greetingzzz trainer, I am now your pokédex!' The Rotom buzzed.

'Hi Rotom! I'm Ash, nice to meet you!'

Heyyo. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I hope you got whatever you wanted and more :D My wonderful dear sweet cousin, the one who made the fabulous cover for me, has graced me with her wonderful presence. So yeah. I have nothing to say. My grandad's so much better! Thank you all for your lovely comments.

QOTD: What's your favourite bug type? Mine's Vikavolt, it was in my team for UM, it was ~kinda~ useful, it had its uses.

Don't forget to vote and comment! :D

Hannah <3

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