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'Hey Serena?' Ash said. After their time at the beach, Ash was again walking Serena and her friends back to their apartment. She turned to him, with a smile on her face. Ash fell into Serena's stride. 'I think I might go to Akala tomorrow.'

Serena slumped. 'But we've only been here for two days.' she said in a small voice. Ash instantly felt bad, but when he remembered Rowlet in his backpack, and Pikachu on his shoulder, he reminded himself of his dream. She looked at his determined face, and then mustered a smile. 'Well, Crystal, Hannah and I can focus on our dream.'

Hannah and Crystal turned around to look at Serena. 'Cool!' Crystal said. '

'But how are we going to do this?' Hannah asked. 'We're only kids after all.'

Serena remembered the little slip of paper that was sitting in her room. 'I know someone that may be able to help...'


'So you're saying you want me to help you start showcases in Alola?' The former Kalos Queen asked.

'We – uh – just wanted to let you know about it...' Serena said, faltering under Palermo's cold gaze.

Palermo nodded slowly. 'I will fly to Alola in the morning.' She ended the call.

They all blinked. 'Right.' Hannah said.

Crystal looked at her questionally. 'What does 'right' mean in this context?'

'Right. Like an end to a conversation? I dunno.' Hannah said. 'Shall we start planning?' They walked back to their room, sat down at their dining table, spread out some papers, and started to organize their very own, Alolan contests.


The next morning, Ash, Hau, and Lillie were preparing to leave for Akala Island. They saw off the group at the docks.

'Bye guys! Good luck for your trials Ash and Hau, you're gonna need it!' Hannah said. She gave them all a quick hug. Crystal also did the same.

It was now Serena's turn. She waved to Hau and Lillie got onto Professor Kukui's boat. Hannah and Crystal snuck around a corner to watch the two.

'Good luck Ash.' Serena said quietly. 'See you later, Pikachu and Rowlet!' Swablu behind her made a happy trill, while Rowlet kooed, and Pikachu did a fistbump. Serena pulled Ash into a hug, and the boy hugged her back. She could hear squealing coming from somewhere, as she ended the hug. Serena learnt from last time. 'Please call often.'

Ash nodded. 'Later Serena! Good luck planning for contests!' He waved, and ran onto the boat to join Hau and Lillie.

Crystal and Hannah ran back to join Serena and started to wave as the motor puttered on, and the boat slowly started getting smaller and smaller.

Serena looked down. 'It's like last time.'

'Ah, no.' Hannah said. 'You are still in the same region, Serena!' Crystal nodded in agreement, and Serena brightened.

'You're right!' Serena exclaimed.

Hannah smiled. 'I usually am most on the time. Anyway, have any of you guys ridden on a Charizard before?'

Crystal warily looked at her. 'No... why?'

'I want to show you my hometown, that's all!' Hannah said. Crystal still stayed tensed up. 'What's wrong?'

'I – uh – am just a little scared of heights.' Crystal stuttered.

Hannah started fiddling with her ride pager. 'Easy fix. We'll just fly low to the surface.' She pushed a button, and three Charizards appeared, each with a saddle on its back. The girls had magically changed into different gear, Serena in pink, Hannah in light green, and Crystal in blue.

The brunette examined the Charizards, checking the flame on their tails, and seeing their personalities. 'Right. Crystal, this one seems to be a lovely Charizard.' She gestured to a one that sat calmly in the middle. 'It'll be perfect for you since you're a little scared of heights. Serena, you can have this one.' She gestured to the one of the left, who was experimentally flapping its wings. 'And I'll have that cheeky one.' Hannah pointed at the Charizard that was already in the air, breathing fire from its mouth. 'This is going to be interesting.'

Serena and Crystal both hopped onto their Charizards while Hannah whistled for her one. It came swooping down, and Hannah expertly jumped on.

'Let's go!' Hannah yelled, spurring her Charizard to the west. (is it the west? I dunno) Serena and Crystal followed suit. They stayed low to the surface.

Hannah sent out her Togekiss, who flew right by Crystal's side, keeping her calm. Swablu swooped around Serena's Charizard, annoying the fire type. It used a small Ember attack to stop the shiny pokémon from distracting it from doing its job. Swablu then settled on Serena's hat.

Serena looked around her. Even from this low height, she could see the waters of Alola were a beautiful clear blue. She admired the shores of the islands around her, and even saw a white building in the middle of the ocean.

'What's that?' Serena asked Hannah, who was having problems with her Charizard doing flips.

Hannah looked beyond Serena's hand. 'That's Aether Paradise. Never been, but apparently it's pretty cool though. The president seems a bit odd. I met her once, but that's a whole noth – hey!' The Charizard flew up, and started flying upside down. Serena laughed, but stopped when Hannah slipped from the saddle and gripped for dear life a handle. 'Togekiss! Help!'

The fairy type swooped over to help her trainer, letting her step on her back to help Hannah back on Charizard, who flipped the right way after an angry trill from Togekiss. She then flew back to Crystal, who was gripping the handles with white knuckles, and had her eyes tightly closed.

After a few minutes, Serena could see that they were getting closer to land.

'Well, we're here!' Hannah happily yelled.

Long time no see. SORRY. Just been a little busy with family and wanting to spend time with them. This has definitely pushed the plot along ;)))

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 25K!! I'm amazed that people want to read this, something I just started for fun and is now part of my routine. ¼ of the way there to 100k, just sayin' :)

QOTD: Do you prefer TMs or Ride Pagers? Definitely Ride Pagers. It means you don't have to waste slots for moves like Cut and Fly.

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

Hannah <3

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