That Day

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A girl named Eliza Brenton, 17 years old was at school. After school, she goes home. When she knocked on the door nobody answered so she asked herself, "hmm why isn't anyone answering?". She checked the doorknob then she got confused. She knows her family would always lock their door. She opens the door and screamed. She opened the door to see her parents stabbed and blood was everywhere. "NO NO NO!!! This can't be happening!" Eliza screams while crying. Eliza just stood there shocked. She held her parents, her hands with blood, her eyes were swollen and had many tears coming out. Her brother, Paradox, heard and came as soon as he could. Once he arrived, he saw that Eliza was holding their parents and just crying. He ran up to her and asked, "ELIZA!!! WHAT HAPPENED?". "They...." she couldn't finish her sentence because she felt like she was about to cry when she spoke about them. Paradox started crying while holding Eliza.
*A few hours later*
"Paradox, why is this happening to us? Why is this guy against us?" Eliza asked.
"I don't know Eliza, I don't know, but whoever he or she is, they are going to PAY!" Paradox said.
" I missed you Paradox, it felt lonely without you here...." Eliza said.
"I missed you too," Paradox said.
They sat on their couch for hours.
*The next day*
When they woke up, Eliza didn't speak, she didn't eat, she didn't want to show her emotions anymore. She was drowning in silence.

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now