When I See Your Face

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*Couple days ago before the boys left for tour*

*Eliza POV*

So back at home, I have a best friend, Mia. Ever since the incident, we've barely spoken to each other. But we're still really good friends! So one day, she texted me, and me being so stupid and horrible, forgot about home and friends and whatever, I haven't been texting or anything with my friends back home. She was asking if I was okay, and I told her everything. She's soon flying out to L.A. to see me again! She's the best! Anyways, Imma be a matchmaker and get her a boyfriend. YUP YA KNOW IT! It's Zachary. I think they'll really like each other since they have a lot in common. I am really excited for those two to meet. Fangirl moment? Yes. They might not know each other, and has never met, but I'm shipping it. I'm texting her right now.

*Text convo*

E- Yooo Mia, r u dating anyone?

M-nah. why?

E- oh nothing...


E- nobody gotta know bro 😏

M- Ookay....

E- Alright, peace!

M- peace!

*end of texts*

HEHE! I think matchmaker Eliza is in! OOF I can't wait to tell Seavey about this! Once I see Zach, I immediately yelled his name and might've been harsh when I wanted to talk to him. 

"ZACHARY!" I yell.

"Gahh! What's up?" Zach asked.

"Yo can I ask about something?" I ask.

"Sure, what is it?" he asks.

"Are you... maybe.... dating anyone?" I ask.

"No, and if I was then you would know," he says.

"Why?" he asks.

"Well, I think you would really like my friend, Mia," I say.

"She's turning 17 on May 28th," I say.

"And she's in your grade?" He asks.

"Yeah, a really smart girl," I say.

"WAIT! DID YOU SAY MAY 28th?" he asks.

"Yeah... oh is it cuz her birthday is a day after your's?" I ask.

"YES!" He replies.

"OOH WHAT'S HER INSTA?" Zach asks.

"STALKER!" I yell.

"Heyyy I gotta know what she's like!" He yells.

"Fine I'll find a pic of her and show you," I say.

"Okay okay fine," he replies.

"Here," I say and show him the pic.

He was absolutely shocked when he saw her face. 

"She's so pretty," he says with his mouth wide open.

"Right?" I reply.

"Anyways, she's visiting us in a week," I say.

"Us?" he asks.

"Don't you mean you?" He asks again.

"Well, I mean imma introduce y'all to her so basically us," I say.

He then squeals like a frickin idiot who won the lottery. Trust me he's jumping around and squealing. But then he frowns.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"We leave for tour again in a couple of days," he says.

"Right, but she's staying for three months, so if you take another break day or days, you get to meet her,"I say.

"And if she gets into a college here, she's gonna stay here for a long time. But that is IF she gets into a college here," I say.

"Well I hope she does," he says.

Then Zach just jumps and squeals around again.

"Kids," I mumble under my breath.

Mia is gonna stay for about three months, well I mean we've graduated high school and she's looking into colleges that are in L.A., and there's me, thinking about college, thinking about jobs? I don't know what to do. I walk over to my boyfriend, who's sleeping on the couch while Spongebob is on the screen. Oh how I love him so, I'm gonna miss him a lot because he's gone for tour until after August. CUZ THE BOYS ARE GOING TO ASIA AFTER EUROPE!!! I'm so proud. Anyways, I kiss his cheek and I see him wake up.

"Hey I want an actual kiss," Daniel says with his sleepy voice.

"Alrighty then, you will get one, if you know where I am!" I say.

"No fair!" he says and sleeps again.

"Well if you want an actual kiss then you gotta find me!" I say.

"Ugh! I'd rather sleep!" he says.

I just sit in his room, and wait.

*Hours later*

Welp, I took a nap. I just woke up and he still hasn't searched for me yet?

Then I go downstairs just to see him making out with Aspen. What. The. Actual. Hell?

"You fu-" I begin to say, but then I feel a pair of hands on my face waking me up.

Huh? So I guess I wasn't awake?

So I actually woke up naow.

"HUH?" I yell.

"OH it was just a nightmare," I say.

"God, you had me worried about you," Daniel says.

Then he takes this chance and grabs my face. He frickin grabs my face and kisses me. He finally got that kiss he wanted. Not gonna lie, it was great ;).

"I guess I won," he says as his forehead was on mine.

"I guess you did," I say.

We stayed like that until Zach walks in.

"Hey El- Am I disturbing y'all or?" Zach asks with a confused look.

"No you're fine, so what do you need?" I ask.

"I wanna meet Mia!" Zach says.

"Mia?" Daniel asks.

"My best friend from home," i say.

"I setting them up, so they would be together," I whisper to Daniel.

"Ohh," he says.

*Zach's pov*
Well imma get Mia's instagram so that I could see her face. I know it sounds weird, but I wanna know her first before I leave for tour in a couple of days. Daniel and Eliza are better than ever and they spend every moment together before we leave. I love looking at a good relationship :). WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT 😩!! CORBINA JABBIE DELIZA JATUM WHAT ELSE?!? UGHHH. Oh yeah did I mention that Jonah and Tatum are like together? OOF CUTE! After what felt like years of scrolling, I finally found Mia's instagram. Oh dang she is so beautiful! So in one of her recent posts ( a pic of herself), I commented : "When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change ;)". Was that a bold move? Oh god!


A/n: Hey guys! I know Zach's bday past and all but like I started this chap before his bday so yahh. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue reading! 

Also Mia is played by @JackAveryIsMyNoodles 
Mia is her actual name so yeahhh.

Anyways bai mah doodz and see yah!


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