My Only Wish

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(Just a beautiful pic of a beautiful person)

*1 month and 2 weeks later*

*Eliza POV*

The boys are on tour. They've been doing great, and Jonah found someone oOoOoh I ship it. Well as for Daniel and I, we're still best friends. Of course I still love him and all but sometimes you just need a break from the dating life. I'm at home, virtually supporting them. I'm just thinking, what would my only wish be?

If I had one wish, my one only wish, it would be....

to get my parents back. I miss them so much and I need my parents you know? I don't care that I've been cheated on twice. All I know is I love Daniel and that's it. He's the only guy I've ever fell in love with. We've been through some ups and downs but I just can't stop loving him. Could you ever let him go?

I don't think I could ever let him go. If he chose to go, that's something different. If I let him go, I think I would just come right back to him. That is how emotionally unstable I am. Maybe I should let him go in order to get over him? Will I ever get over him?

But I know I can't get my parents back, so what would be my other one and only wish? Well I would say, just being happy with Daniel. That would be my only wish that could possibly happen, since my parents are already dead and I can't change that. Also I've been getting better, it's just part of life we all face. If I could I find out who killed my parents, they bouta KaTcH DeeSe HaNdZ. But seriously though, Imma make them pay.

I'm gonna go to their L.A. show and surprise them there and be there to support them, instead of facing them through a phone screen everyday. Christina is going to the L.A. show and the New York show. Gabbie will go to the L.A. show as well. We're a gang bruh. Just kidding, but we're all best friends. In fact, I'm texting them right now.

*Text convo*

Chelgabrize <3 (note: the gc name might change each time)

G- Yo so C and I told the boys that we're going to their show, but should we prank them?

C- Hell Yeah!

E- I haven't told any of them so why not?

G- Litty

C- Mitty

E- kitty

E- Our gc is so lit

C- ikr

G- liTter than other ppl's gc

C- oof gab u funny



E- so we as in you guys right?

G- yea

C- yea

E- okie

*End of text convo*


I texted Corbyn if he wanted to facetime, and he said yes. Ok now for the plan in action.

*ft convo*

Ch- Hey babe

Co- hey beautiful

Ch- how's your day

Co- great how bout you?

Ch- ehh it's been alright

Ch- anyways, I gotta tell you something

Co- alright, spill

Ch- so you remember that chat when I said I was going to the show?

Co- yeah

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