All I Ever Need

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I'm telling the truth. You are all I ever need...

*Break from tour*

*Daniel POV*

I miss Eliza so much, like why can't she come with?


I really do miss her. Corbyn, Jack, and  Jonah, miss their girlfriends as well. Then there is Zach, talking about how he can't meet the girl of his dreams. I text Eliza but she isn't answering, and it's so weird that I'm honestly scared. I feel like I'm gonna lose her. All these negative thought are running through my head, and that's not normal. I pace back and forth in the hotel room, and Jonah looks at me weirdly.

"Yo dood, you okay?" he asks, with concern on his face.

"Oh yeah! I'm totally fine!" I say.

"You sure? Because you've been pacing back and forth for half an hour now, and you face is full of concern and fear," he says.

"Oh, ahah probably because of tour you know, wanting to make this perfect," I say.

"Dood! You're now tapping your foot intensively! Are you it's because of tour and not about something else?" Jonah asks.

"Yeah, yeah it's tour," I say.

"Okay then? Are you sure you're not worried about something else?" he asks.

"Okay fine! I'm worried that I might lose Eliza because she hasn't been replying to my texts or answering my calls!" I say.

"Ooooh, well maybe just let some time off, I mean she's probably sleeping right now since she's in L.A. and we're in Europe right now sooooo," Jonah says.

"You're right you're right! I might have been overthinking this," I say.

"Yeah, so calm down mkay dood?" he says.

"Yeah yeah!" I say.

"Okay let's go take your mind off those negative thoughts," Jonah says.

"And go where?" I ask.

"Coffee dood! duhhh," Jonah says.

*Jonah's pov*

HEHEHHEHEHHEE. Eliza has made a plan for surprising Daniel here, and she's bringing her friend Mia, who Zach's apparantly in love with, before meeting her. Anyways, Eliza should be coming soon. OOF I CAN'T WAIT FOR DELIZA TO REUNITE! Oh yeah, we're picking her up from the airport first, then we'll get Starbucks. She'll let me know when she's landed. So now we're heading to the airport in an uber, and Daniel fell asleep. YUS! OKIE BETTER SURPRISEEEE! Good thing he didn't know I told the driver we is going to da airport! Alright, once we got there, Daniel is still asleep, like dangggg he must be tired bro. I woke him up and he was so confused.

"Dood! Why are we at the airport?" he asks.

"Uhhh to pick up Tatum," I lied.

"Oh well you should've said so," he said.

"Yeah, okie lesssss goooo," I say.

Once we got inside, I spot Eliza and Mia, then they ran over here. But I see that they brought along another person. Hmm another friend? Once we meet, Eliza surprised Daniel.

"Hey do mind telling me where to go?" Eliza said while he starts to pay attention again.

"Yeah, su- ELIZA!!!!" He yells.

She giggles as they hug. Then Mia introduces herself to me as Deliza are doing their own thing.

"Hi I'm Mia, and we have someone you would like to meet," Mia says.

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now