So Happy, Yet So Lost?

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(A/n: Enjoy this pic of hawtness ⬆️)

*Eliza POV*

Am I really happy? Cuz I think I am with Jonah. But I'm so lost because I still have some of those feelings for Daniel.  Jonah and I sat down at the kitchen table.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Um, I-I, uh-" He says but can't seem to get the words out of his mouth.

"Never mind," he says.

"I just wanted to say I love you," he says.

"Aww I love you too," I say.

I think he's not telling the truth but I feel like if he "broke my heart" I wouldn't get hurt because do I really love him? Or is it in a different way?

"So, I got some stuff, and this is for you," he says.

"Aw Jonah! You didn't have to get me anything!" I say.

Really he didn't have to. He's so sweet and all but I just don't feel the chemistry. Maybe I'm not used to it? He left again to get something.
I'm so happy? But yet I'm so lost. Ugh I'm getting a headache and I'm not even joking. The pounding continues and it's messing me up. I feel like I could just collapse here. Legs feel wobbly, vision starts to blur, and I just flat out became weak. And on top of that, my head's also dizzy. HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS AT THE SAME TIME?!? Yeah no, not gonna work out well. I straight up collapsed to the ground.

*Daniel POV*
I see Eliza on the ground, unconscious. I carry her up into my room and check her head. Her head is feeling hot, so fever? Headache? I just got Tylenol and a glass of water. I always question myself this, WHY DID I HURT HER?!? Everytime I see her face knowing that she isn't mine anymore, I knew I messed up big time. Kiara was just a distraction, why did I ever cheat? I knew it was a bad decision, but why? Why am I so stupid? I got a towel and got it and went to the sink to make it wet. Then I placed it on her forehead. She was moving around and grabbed my hand.

"Please.. Don't.... go," Eliza mumbles in her sleep.

Nightmare? Something? UHHHH HELP?

"Mom, don't go!" Eliza yells in her sleep.

"NO!" she yells and then she starts to kick and all.

So me being me, I decided to wake her up.

"Eliza! Eliza!" I shout while shaking her.

She then wakes up in shock. She gasps.

"What happened?" Eliza asked while putting her hand through her hair.

"You had a nightmare," I say.

She gasps again. 

"Oh, was I talking out loud or something?" she asked.

"Yeah," i say.

"Sorry," she says.

"Don't be," I say.

"Anyways, you had a fever," I said.

"I had a headache," she says.

"Okay take this," I say while handing her the medicine and the glass of water.

"Thanks," she says as she takes the medicine.

"Is Jonah back yet?" she asked.

"Um, I don't think so?" I say.

"Oh, well I'm gonna grab my phone and lie back down if that's okay?" Eliza asked.

"Of course," I say and then she goes downstairs.

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