The Pain

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(Warning!: Contains suicidal actions, please skip if you feel uncomfortable reading it. If you are ever feeling like that, I'm always there to talk :) )

*Daniel POV*

Kiara pulled me into a room and locked the door. Let's just say she's so hot and all. I'm in love with her. I don't think I love Eliza anymore, she is so clingy like very, everytime I go somewhere, she won't let me, she'd get mad over those little things. Idk anymore maybe she loves me and that's why but I don't feel the same anymore. I know cheating is bad, but I can't help it. I don't wanna break up with Eliza because she's gonna be mad or unhappy or whatever. (A/n: WOW! UR HURTING HER EVEN MORE BY CHEATING!!! lol). Kiara and I were having some fun, but that's what we always do. I love her but we have never gone on an official date, or even know if we were actually dating. We finally got done, and then rested. She

"Babe, are we actually together or what?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah, if you want because idk either," I say.

"Well I guess we're bf and gf now," Kiara says and kisses me.

*Eliza POV*

He isn't back yet, and I'm starting to get worried. Maybe he really is cheating on me. I can't believe him. Imma interrogate him when he gets back. Cuz this dude cheating ugh!! Why do I always meet the cheaters?!? I always end up getting hurt, maybe that's my destiny, end up getting hurt emotionally and physically. I was about to break down but I didn't want to so I kept it in. Instead of breaking down, I was furious. Why? Cuz at 2 am in the morning, Daniel comes back home and brings another girl. Proabably that Kiara girl. They were giggling and stuff and it's making me angry. They kissed. AHA! I was right! That little MF(I'm pretty sure y'all know what MF means/ stands for in my way). Then they saw me.

"Oh baby, who's this?" The girl who I'm assuming is Kiara, asked.

"Yeah Daniel. Who am I? and who's this lady here?" I asked.

"Um, Eliza meet Kiara, Kiara meet Eliza, Kiara.." Daniel says while introducing us. Then after he said her name, he whispered something in her ears.

"Hi as you know I'm Kiara, Daniel's girlfriend," Kiara says.

"Oh really, I'm Eliza his girlfriend," I say very sternly.

"Babe, really you just told me that she is your cousin," Kiara said to Daniel.

"Really? Are you just that sick of me that you cheated on me and say that I'm your cousin or whatever?" I said really anrgily.

He stood there like an idiot and didn't say anything. Kiara looked surprised as well. I just walked upstairs angrily forgetting that I had to break up with him when I found out he was cheating on me. I slammed my door and locked it. I started screaming and yelling. I was very angry. I was in pain. I'm hurt. But this time he hurt me, not the other way around. I don't know wheter is pitying me or does he actually like me, but now I don't think I wanna date anyone until I know I can trust them. I can't forgive him at all, like why do the guys that I ever loved, just hurt me the same way each time. (Don't forget that Eliza only had one ex, well now it's about to be 2). I clenched my fists with pure anger and tears start pouring down my face. I can't believe that I was a fool to ever love him. I should've just not went out with him. I wish that I could be free from this painful life. I can't handle it anymore. First, my parents are gone and that happened to be the same day I found out that my ex was cheating on me. Then, I felt guilty of breaking Daniel's heart, and now he is breaking mine but cheating on me. Only tears fell down my face, but my face had no emotion but anger. Just anger. Pain. All the pain I went through. These emotions I'm feeling. Forget the happiness, it was all fake. Just a mask to hide what reality is for me. Pain. I wasn't paying attention to anything but myself. It probably would've been better if I never existed at all. I would have never experience the pain in my heart, and everything would be better. I thought he was different, but turns out, he's just the same. I get out of the room, go lock myself in the bathroom. I tried finding some sharp thing or any pills, but I couldn't. At last I found a razor and took the blade out and tried to stab myself with it. Goodbye pain!

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now