The Plan pt. 1

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*Daniel POV*

Wow, she kissed me. Eliza kissed me. She also spoke. She spoke. I haven't asked her out yet because last time she said she wasn't ready.  Anyways, she left an hour ago, and I don't know what to do. She's  coming over again on Friday. So maybe, i'll ask if she's ready for a relationship. Maybe I should ask her this Friday? IDKKKK I'll the boys, most likely going to be Corbyn, since he has a girlfriend.

"CORBYNNNNN!!!!" I yelled.

"WHAT?!?" he yells while walking into the kitchen.

"I need to talk to you in private," I say.

"K, so what's up?" he asks as we walk outside.

"I was planning to ask out Eliza, but I don't know if she's ready for a relationship yet. So what should I do?" I explain.

"Then maybe ask if she is ready, or maybe I could ask," Corbyn says.

"That'd be great," I say.

"Cool, I'll be right back," he says.

*Corbyn POV*

I headed to my room and texted Eliza.


Corbyn- Hey Eliza can I ask you something?

Eliza- sure? what's up?

Corbyn- r u ready for a relationship or not yet?

Eliza- um, u have a gf and I like someone else.

Corbyn- I ain't asking u out so chill. Also I love Christina, so 

Eliza- ok well I guess I am ready?

Eliza- why do you ask?

Corbyn- I have a friend

Eliza- ok then... Is that all?

Corbyn- for now

Eliza- gtg bye.

Corbyn- bye

*end of texts*

"SHE'S  READY!" I yell.

"Really?" Daniel asks looking confused.

"Yeah, here," I showed him the texts.

"Wow," he  said.

"Yuh," i say.

"So should I ask her out on Friday?" he asks.

"Sure. That'll be cool!" I say.

"And, I'll help too," I say.

"Ok great, so.." Daniel continued on with the plan.

So we had agreed with most of the plan and tweaked some things of it. We also planned to tell the others about it. Daniel and I double checked to make sure that Eliza was ready for a relationship. She said she was, but she might freak out, but she says she would say yes. Daniel was really excited. He was gonna go overboard but I told him to not go overboard. I told him to keep it simple but also be unique. Ahhhhhh I ship it!!! YUH YUH YUH!!!! Then  I facetimed Christina cuz I love her and I miss her. She's flying out!!!!! Anyways, for the plan we're gonna.......

*Daniel POV*

I can't believe that I'm gonna ask her out. I'm pretty sure she's ready, she said so herself. Ughh!!! I'm so nervous!!! I really like her, no I love her. I just hope she'll say yes, if not, I wait. I will wait until she's ready. No matter what, I'll wait for her. Even if she dates another guy, I'll wait. Because that is how much I love her. She's amazing. I only told Corbyn about the plan, I haven't told the others yet. Christina is flying out here so maybe she and Eliza can have some girl time. Corbyn misses her so much. Christina is planning to surprise Corbyn. So she's coming tomorrow, but Corbyn thinks it's next week, so when she arrives, Zach and I are gonna pick her up from the airport but we're gonna tell Corbyn that we're going to Walmart to buy stuff. Then Jack and Jonah keep him busy. But we're gonna stop by walmart and get some stuff so it'll look like we actually went there and make walk in first. Christina is gonna walk in after us. Then we make Corbyn go into the kitchen and face outside so Christina can scare him. Ahh their relationship is so cute. But that's the Corbina plan. The operation ask Eliza out is later. God I actually hope she is ready for a relationship. No first I'll take her out on a date and then I'll ask her out. I see Jonah walk downstairs and Corbyn and I explain to him the plan. Then once we see the others we're gonna tell them the plan. The plan is.......

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now