Just Wondering

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They were walking out and then Eliza hugged Daniel. Daniel hugs back. A tear fell off Eliza's face, Daniel wipes it away. Eliza smiles and Daniel smiles as well. Eliza quickly got her phone and texted him this:

E~may I hold ur hand I don't feel safe here😯

Daniel opened the message and he nods.

They held hands while going back to Eliza's place. People thought they were dating.
Daniel's P.O.V(point of view)

I really like her it's just that I just pretty much met her. I also want her to talk. I wonder what she feels right now. Then all of a sudden, my phone blew up. It's the boys ughhhh!!! What do they want??!!!!

*G.C. Convo (group chat)*

Jonah- hey guys looks like Daniels got a gf!


Zach- shippppp hehehehehe but she cute tho

Jack-u know she older than u right ?

Zach- r u talking to me?

Jack-yes I am talking to u

Zach- ur just jealous that Daniels got a gf and u don't and his gf is actually hot

Corbyn- ooh roasted!

Jonah- bahahahahaha

Daniel-what do u guys want?????!!!

Daniel-Ok byeeee!

*end of convo*

*End of Daniel's P.O.V*

Then the boys were walking to Starbucks until they saw Daniel and Eliza hugging while almost heading to her place. They walked towards them.


Daniel and Eliza noticed and Eliza smacked her hand onto her face (the facepalm), and Daniel did the same.

To be continued.....

*Author's note*

Hey guys hope y'all enjoyed I'll be making more soon and y'all comment down below what should happen next I love suggestions. I'll be thinking of some more ideas soon. I'll be updating whenever I can and hope y'all enjoyed! 

Loves from Grace

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now