Sad Dreams, Sad Feelings

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*Before they went to sleep*

Everyone was asleep, but Daniel wasn't, yet. Daniel was in the kitchen, thinking about the whole situation. Aspen had snuck in their place. Then she put her arms around Daniel's neck, and hugs him. Daniel, not looking back, thought it was Eliza, so he hugged her back. Eliza just so happens to see that whole situation.

"Daniel?!?" Eliza yells out.

"Wait huh?" Daniel got so confused.

"I thought you were hugging me!" Daniel says as he pushes Aspen away.

Eliza ran to Daniel's room, since she's sleeping there, and ignored Daniel for the rest of the night. Meanwhile Daniel forced Aspen out of the house and he ran to his room to fix things with her.

*Daniel's POV*
Eliza and I had an argument about Aspen, since Aspen is freaking tryna ruin our relationship by flirting with me. I don't even flirt back! I find Aspen really rude and annoying! (A/n: this is just for a story, idk what aspens like irl).

"Eliza, I swear to god, I'm not flirting with her or anything! I don't like her at all!" I say.

"Well it doesn't seem like it! It looks like you want her!" She yells.

"What?!? How?!?" I ask.

"Just that whole scernario and I don't know what you guys did before I caught you," she says.

"But I thought that it was you Eliza! I just didn't see who it was," I say.

She scoffs.

"Just lying to me huh, Seavey? I don't wanna deal with you right now," Eliza says as she lays in bed facing away from me.

She feel asleep, I lie here awake. She wasn't right next to me, we didn't cuddle like usual. Soon, I drifted to sleep.

*in Daniel's "dream" (still daniel's pov)*

"I JUST CAN'T WITH YOU!" Eliza yells.


"Well you guys look sooo comfortable with each other!!! I can't anymore, go away," Eliza shouts.

"I-" I started to say but got cut off.

"GO AWAY!" Eliza yells as I head out.

I storm down the stairs and Corbyn notices me.

"Woah Daniel! Where are you going?" He asks.

"Fresh air, call me if anything happens," I say and drive to my secret place.

Once I got there, I sat down on the cold, hard grass with a little breeze in the air. I just think and think about everything, like what did I do wrong? Where did I go wrong? Does it look like I was cheating? Am I breaking her? Am I losing her? And etc.

I was laying there, breathing, thinking, and breaking. All I could think about was her, and only her. As I stared into the sky, I suddenly got a call from Corbyn.

"Hello?" I answered.

"DANIEL COME BACK QUICK!" Corbyn yells in panic.

"Why what's wrong?" I ask, in confusion.


"I'll be right there!" I said.

Then I hung up, got to my car, and drove as fast as I could before Eliza does something.

But once I got back, the paramedics were already there. I was too late. Corbyn and Zach had their hands buried in their faces, crying.

"No, no!" I yell and ran upstairs to our bedroom to see no one there.

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now