Texting Him

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Eliza hopped in bed just smiling text she noticed she got a text message from Daniel.
*text convo*(D- Daniel E-Eliza)
D- Hey Eliza it's Daniel Seavey
E-Oh hi Daniel what's up?
D- Nothing much
E- yeah, so I love your music
D-my band?
E- yeah silly ofc ur band and I love ur voice
D-so u a fan?
D- so just out of curiosity, how come u don't talk at all like just silent?
E-um I used to be very outgoing to ppl and my bro till something happened
D- may I ask why?
E- I mean I don't like talking about it but I'll share with you
D- oh I'm sorry but plz go ahead
E- yesterday I had a great day, and then I went home, then I opened the door and noticed it wasn't locked and when I came in....
D- yeah what happened?
E-my parents were stabbed and there was blood everywhere, my bro came and took me to L.A. 😔
D- omg I'm so sorry
E-it's fine I'm still grieving rn so that's why I'm silent I feel like I've drowned from inside that it just hurts
D-oh I'm rly sorry btw, do u wanna hang out tomorrow?
E-ummm sure let's meet at Starbucks
D-sounds great! I'll let u go to sleep sorry if I have bothered u at all
E-it's ok I'm really happy u talked to me 😊 ok night see ya tomorrow
*end of text convo *
*Paradox knocks on Eliza's door*
"Hey is there anything you need before you go to sleep?" Paradox asked
Eliza just shook her head.
"Can I talk to you before you go to bed?" Paradox asked
Eliza nods her head and pats her bed.
"You can always tell me anything you know that right?" Paradox asks.
Eliza nods.
"Why aren't you speaking at all?" Paradox asked.
Eliza texts him instead.
E-it's really hard bc mom and dad died and I'm just not feeling like me rn I will talk once I feel better
*end of text*
"Oh ok so you just need to be happy!" Paradox says and he left her room.
*the next morning *
Eliza texts Daniel
*text convo*
E-Hey so ready to meet?
E-plz answer
E- r we still up for hanging out?
*end of texts*
Daniel still hasn't replied to Eliza and she gets upset.
Daniel finally replies with this:
D- hey Eliza I'm really sorry I didn't reply soon I had some meetings that were scheduled last min I hope u can forgive me😔
Eliza looked at the reply and thought about it. So she texts him.
*text convo*
E- I will forgive u under 1 condition
D-okay so what is that
E- u hang out with me all day tomorrow or Friday just tell me when
D- ok lemme ask my band mates
D-so I have another meeting tomorrow and Friday so hb Saturday and Sunday
E-ok but you can break ur promise or I won't forgive u at all
D-I promise ok gtg ttyl!
*end of text convo*
On Saturday they meet up at Starbucks and Daniel surprised Eliza with some drinks.
"Hey Eliza so I got some drinks they taste amazing so I hope you enjoy!" Daniel said.
Eliza just texted him thanks.
*Eliza's texts*
E-thx and also ur fav fruit is watermelon right?
*end of texts*
"Yeah it is and no problem!"Daniel says smiling.
They finish and Eliza just........

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now