All Of The Stars

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(A/n: I know this song is pretty sad but like this chapter is gonna be cute! maybe.... hehe yew will findz out in da chap)

*Daniel POV*

Finally Eliza and I are together again. I feel nothing but pure happiness. Before we head to a different city, Eliza and I are gonna make the best of it out of today. I have planned a really good surprise planned. The surprise is having a picnic at our special place and watch the stars, but before that, we're gonna see whatever movie she wants to watch and go bowling before date NIGHT. (IF I GOT A DAY OFF THAN IT'S DATE NIGHT I'VE BEEN SAVING THIS TIME ESPECIALLY FOR YOU. alright I is gonna staph naow).

I hope this date goes well.
*1 hour later*
I texted Eliza what movie she wanted to watch.

D-heyy what movie do u wanna watch?

E- umm idk hb infinity wars?

D-yessss, well it's up to u El

E- lol I wanted to watch infinity wars for so long now

D- sammme

D- I'll pick u up at 5?

E- okieee

*4:30 pm*

I'm done getting ready and now I just need to text Eliza if she's ready.

D- hey

E- hi :)

D-so u ready?

E-oh! yeah! I am hbu?

D- yup

D- so I'll be there before 5.

E- sounds gud!

E- see ya <3


Alright so she is ready. I got my keys and my wallet and went to mah carrr.

*11 minutes later*

I got to Eliza's place and knocked on her door.

"Oh hey Seavey!" she answered.

Wow. She was absolutely gorgeous.

She looked so beautiful, it's like she walked out of a dream. (A/n: hehe ;))

"Thanks! You look great," She said while blushing.

"Oh... did I say that out loud?" I say, while feeling embarrassed now.

"Don't worry Seavey, we're dating aren't we?" She speaks as she giggles.

"True, true," I say.

"Shall we?" I say as I gesture out for her to take my arm.

We walked to my car and I opened the door for her.

"Wow, being a gent as always huh?" She asked and giggles.

"Hey what can I say, I wanna treat my lady very well," I say and she smiles, which caused me to smile.

During the car ride, we talked and played music. She was just jamming out to Trust Fund Baby, On My Way, Something Different, All My Love, and Invitation.

How did I deserve such an amazing girl like her?

Once we arrived, I opened the door for her.

"Seavey, you know I can open a door right?" She says while giggling.

"Yeah, but I wanna treat you like a gent," I say.

"You're already a gent to me," She says as she kissed my cheek.

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now