In My Blood

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(A/n: so into this song rn like fr tho)

*Daniel POV*


"What do you mean boo?" she asked.

"I mean that I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore, all we do is 'stuff' and don't actually date, so we shouldn't see each other anymore," I say.

"Is this about your 'cousin'? because I know she isn't your cousin," Kiara says.

"And how would you know?" I asked.

"BECAUSE OF THE WAY YOU LOOK AT HER!! I honestly feel bad for her, because you cheated on her with me and I actually believed you that she was your cousin, til last night," She says.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't think I don't know, I saw you last night when I was calling your name, you don't deserve her, and I hope she has a great boyfriend who'll treat her right unlike you," Kiara says with a disgusted face.

She bursts out the bedroom door.

Suddenly, the thoughts of last night came into mind.


"Tell me, did you ever love me?" Eliza asked.

"uh.." I was speechless.

Of course I love you Eliza. I still do.

"Tell me Daniel! Tell me the truth," she spoke.

"I-I-I-" I started to say but I couldn't finish the words.

"Looks like you never did, meanwhile I loved you with all my heart and yet I get treated this way," Eliza says then scoffs.

Then she starts to walk away. But I pull her back.

"Of course I did, of course I love you," I say.

"Sure," she says then walks away.

*Eliza POV*

I was talking to Jonah and we were hanging out. Then suddenly Kiara comes in,

"I'm so sorry about the whole Daniel thing, I seriously believed him when he said you were his cousin or something, but I found out myself that you weren't and it was last night. I'm sorry that you had to go through all this," Kiara says.

Wow did I judge her too quick? Because she actually isn't that bad. Well maybe I don't know anymore.

"Thanks," I say with confusion still running through my brain.

"Well, I'm gonna go now, anyways sorry again," she says and walks out the door.

"Whoa, what-" i start.

"was-" Jonah starts.

"that?" we both say at the same time.

Then we both giggle. We were on the sofa facing each other talking and giggling. I love him, but I don't feel a spark between him but when I'm with Daniel, I feel a spark, and it makes me feel so different. I don't know, do I just see Jonah like a bro or a boyfriend? I don't know honestly and I don't know how he feels. Maybe I just need to get used to it? UGHH!!! MY LIFE!

*Jonah POV*

Eliza and I are dating but I don't know if we have the chemistry. At first I thought it would be different but now I don't know anymore. Do I just see her as a little sis or a girlfriend? I don't know. But I don't to break her heart if she sees me as a boyfriend, but I also don't want to break her heart by not telling her how I feel and just lie? I honestly don't know what I'm feeling, like it's so complicated.

drowning in silence; daniel seavey✔️Where stories live. Discover now