Tell Me, Did You Ever Love Me?

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Everyone still waited for Eliza's reply to who she has a crush on right now.

"It is... you know Shawn Mendes," Eliza says.

"Wow, that was your answer?" Zach asked.

"Yes?" Eliza said.

"Okay, let's do a different game but we have to shift downstairs," Jack says.

"Okay, guys partner up but it has to be boy and girl partners, and I'm the ref or judge," Zach says.

*Eliza POV*

Corbyn and Christina were together, and Jack and Gabbie were together, which left me and Jonah to be partners.

"Okay, link up with your partner and don't let go unless I say so," Zach says.

"Now, y'all are getting blindfolded," Zach says.

Then Zach blindfolded us all and I was still linked up to Jonah.

"Now LET GO," Zach says.

Now Jonah and I were separated, and it felt lonely especially when I don't know what's going on. 

*Zach POV* (betcha didn't see that coming ;) )

Now they all got separated and they all took off their blindfolds, except Eliza, our plan of getting Jonah and Eliza together. 

"Hold her," I whispered into Jonah's ear.

Then he held her and leans in for a kiss, surprisingly, Eliza leans in too! OMGOMGOMG! They were about to kiss til Daniel came.

"Whoa! What's going on?" he asked.

"None of your business now get out!" I say.

"Guys what's happening?" Eliza asks as she removes her blindfold.

"Wait we were about to kiss?" Eliza asks Jonah.

"Maybe," Jonah says with a smirk.

"Then instead of blindfolding me, you could've done this," she says and pulls Jonah in for a kiss.

Daniel got jelly. OOF it's going down! lolol. They're still kissing, dangg Jonah get some! LOL. I see Daniel over there with balled up fists and a jealous face. Hmm... what should I do? Break it up? Nah. He hurt Eliza plus he's still with Kiara so....

*Daniel POV*

When I saw Jonah and Eliza kissing, I felt something, like anger, but how? I'm with Kiara so why? Do I still love Eliza? Ugh! I'm so messed up! I feel bad for hurting her! What should I do?

*Eliza POV*

I see Daniel over there being jelly. So Jonah and I kiss more passionately to make Daniel more jelly. HOW DOES IT FEEL HUH DANIEL? hehehe i'm evil. But oh well, he deserves it. Finally Jonah and I stop and I started blushing.

"Hey Eliza?" Jonah says.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I was about to reply til Kiara fricking stupid yelling ruined the moment.


I roll my eyes and ignore her annoying screams. Then Daniel sighs and says something before he left.

"Well then, I gotta go, and I'll see ya later," Daniel says then walks away with a disappointed face.

"Wow, what was that?" Christina asked.

"I don't know, but I don't really care so," I say.

"Ooh burn!" Zach says then high fives me.

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