chapter 15:THE SEASHORE

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The waves washed the seashore like it is trying to find something beneath it ,who knows? May be it's really searching for the love it has lost? Love is such a strange feeling though. The more you try to avoid it, the more it reminds you.
Hmm, for my luck, I never experienced the pain of it, I mean ,Rahul never left me alone, he was always with me. So I never know what it really feels like if he avoids me.
"It's a wonderful night",he said.
"Ah?" I came back to my senses.
"It's a wonderful night I said",he said smiling at me.
"Yeah obviously,it has to be!",
"So we are getting married in few months, are you afraid?",I asked.
"Little bit, but I am very happy, what about you? Are you scared?",he asked.
"Yeah, i don't know what to do about my parents! They would be alone after I marry you, I am worried a lot about them and its the first time, so I am afraid",I said.
"Oh, yeah! It's my third marriage! So I am not afraid",he said.
"What? Then go to your ex wives ,I am going bye",I said and got up.
"Hahhha, Just kidding, come on ,sit now",he said.
"Don't you dare make such jokes ",I warned him.
"Okay, I will take care next time sorry",he said.
"It's okay",I said.
I was sitting too close to Rahul, I could feel his heat, it is too cold out here and rahul became a heater for me,hehhe.
He looked at me with the eyes filled with love ,pulled more close to him, oh my god! He is looking at me so romantically, his eyes started looking at my lips now ,I understood that he wants to kiss me, I became quite ,the breeze became too cold now, it is dark ,I felt that stars are looking towards me, I felt shy, I closed my eyes ,all I can feel right now is the sound of wave that is coming towards me, as rahul's lips touched mine the wave just passed over me making me wet.
I wasn't sure weather I was drenched by the wave or by the kiss! I felt too cold so I hugged him tight, too tight.
"I love you"I said hugging him.
"I love you too",he whispered in my ears.
Don't know what made me feel warm, is it because of hug? Or by his words? Confused!
"Do you know why god created emotions?",he asked.
"May be he liked it",I said.
"No, Why he made us to fall in love?do you know It's because he was afraid! he was afraid that humans would become more stronger than him if we don't love, but he forgot one thing that it may also make us stronger. You... make me stronger Manisha, I can do anything for you.. your love pushes my ability to do more, you make me complete... you make me strong",he said.
"Hey, I know that,why are you getting so emotional,I am always with you right?",I said.
"I don't know what I will do in new york without you, you also come with me",he said.
"I really want to be with you, but this is the last time I am with my parents, I want to spend sometime with them and you know right? All those shoppings and other things...I can't come, sorry",I said.
I really wanted to be with him all the time , but after marriage I may be getting settled in the united states as Rahul is going to be the CEO and the head office is established in the USA ,so I have to be with my parents, I didn't have a choice, because Rahul is an American born and his mom is an American he can't change his entire life's decision just because of me!

"On the sunny day of a brightful
I saw a girl with the beautiful
Oh my dear, till now where have you been?
If I take my eyes off you ,then it will be my sin!
Welcome to my heart,you are the
Come rule over me I won't mind,you are the queen,
oh my queen ,oh My are... my queen".

"So how's it?",he asked.
I wanted him to continue that ,it was so nice ,it was short but it was something to me , something very close to the heart.
"From when did you started all these things?",I asked him and laughed.
"I just gave a try, was it so bad?",he asked.
"No no ,it was okay ,try harder next time ,I am not falling for you!",I said and turned my face while blushing.
"Oh, is it? Then should i call my old secretary back I think",he said and laughed.
"Nooo!",I said.
"Okay it's late ,let's go back to hotel",he said.
"No I am not coming ,I want to sit for some more time please",I said.
"Okay",he said.
We both sat quietly, we didn't talk much, may be I was sad or may be I was too happy! Who knows? I just leaned on him and closed my eyes, I was feeling sleepy....!
"Hey wake up, we will miss the flight ,get ready quickly, come on ,wake up baby",he was whispering In my ears.
"Whaaat? Flights tomorrow morning,why are you telling now",I said in half consciousness.
"Wake up!! You have slept for a whole night , we are in room now , it's morning already",he said.
What? Shit! I just woke up like someone spilled water on me.
"What's the time?",I asked.
"What ever the time is ,it's late, our flight is ready to take off,just wash your face ,bath in the home ,I have to 'check in' for the USA flight today itself , so please hurry",he said.
Oh god! I just slept yesterday on a beach, may be he brought me till the room, he is going to America ,I will miss him, I thought.
"Ready?",he asked.
"Yeah, coming..",I said.
Yes it was really late ,I just slept till 10 o clock, he is having a meeting at 10:30 ,he is late because of me ,but its last day , let him be with me,I thought.
I came and sat in car, I didn't know where is he driving?
"Hey, airport is not this way! Why are you driving this way? This is beach side right? ",I asked.
"Shh! Surprise" ,he said and smiled.
Don't know what is he even thinking!!
He took me to Calangute beach and the people of parasailing welcomed us.
" it is , you wanted to do this right?",he asked me.
"Oh my god ,oh my god,I can't believe you really took me here , I thought you will attend meeting",I said.
"I should have , but you are important and how can I go without seeing you do parasailing",he said.
Parasailing is that adventures act where the boat is tied with parachute and as the speed boat gains the speed you will be in air .
I was tied with the belts of parachute and instead of the parasailing crew Rahul held me from behind ,it's their custom to protect the customers by sending their crew with them but Rahul? You know him right? Money could do certain things and he held me from behind instead of the parasailing crew.
The speed boat gained it's speed ,me and Rahul raised from the beach and up above in the air, it is just an amazing experience ,Rahul held me tight , I felt little scary but it was okay , my heart began to beat faster and it felt like I am flying in the air...with him! With my fiancee ,my everything!
Honestly who gets this opportunity? Who can do this? Well is one side of the story but is it that all the people with money takes their wife like this? Is it? Anybody you know? No way! They won't.
I mean just being rich doesn't make you lovable or a gentleman but your actions do decide that no matter whether you have money or not!
This is what I love him for , this is why I fell for him, not everyone will understand their girl like the way he does! I just felt it's the last day and I wanted to spend time with him and he did exactly wat I wished for ! This is what makes me crazy about him.
I was flying in the air as light as feather ....the gravity didn't feel to work here, I was literally In the cloud nine.
I just forgot the whole world and leaned on Rahul, it felt like he is flying and he is taking me to his paradise.
Finally it was over , we came down from sky and it was just mesmerizing.
He didn't wait too long and he didn't wait to hear anything from me , he just thanked the parasailing crew and started driving towards BAGA beach ,I was wondering what he may do now !
We reached the resort in Baga beach and I knew exactly what he was planning !! It was scuba diving ! Yes it was! It was my dream to go for scuba diving but I couldn't make it upto it but he did !
We were trained in the surface water for sometime to get habituated to oxygen cylinders .
Now the time has come for real scuba diving , we traveled a while in a boat that can accompany around 6 members and we stopped in the middle of somewhere and we were asked to jump.
"Rahul I am scared",I said.
"Don't say anything now , just enjoy the moment",he said.
I mentally prepared to jump and Rahul held my hand and said "let's jump together".
He started to count "1...2...3...jump",as soon as he said we jumped into the water ,the crew people jumped along with us .
I was instructed to dive deeper and deeper , as I did that I could see little fishes moving around me , Rahul was beside me and he was showing heart symbol from his hand ,I gave a flying kiss with difficulty , we could see the flora that's under the sea hiding from man , i felt like I was a mermaid and the credit goes to him.
The crew member took a photo of us , he had some special camera with him , I forgot to mention that it's not as same when we breath through oxygen cylinders ,it's very difficult .
After that we came back to our boat and then to the resort , I was tired as hell , even him but he didn't show it , his flight was to take off that night , he gave me a wonderful day and I thank him for that.
"So, did you enjoyed? ", He asked.
"Ofcourse I enjoyed ,but aren't you tired ? How will you take flight being this tired ? ",I asked.
"It's okay ,I am habituated to it ,my dad used to take me to Miami during vacations and he would immediately book flight back to New York so I had grown up like that ",he said.
We came back to Bengaluru and I was damn tired but I had to give him a warm temporary send off so I was with him till the airport.
His parents were already in new york waiting for him , only person with him was his new secretary manikantan.
I wanted to cry ...I wanted to cry louder and as much as I want till I get relief but though it was very serious thing for me it was temporary for others so I had to control my tears.
"It's okay ,I can understand but don't cry ,I will come back soon ",he said.
"Three months isn't soon Rahul",I said.
"Hey I know you will miss me , what about me ? Even I will miss you so much " ,he said.
"You will always in here with me in my heart",he said.
"For me also ,you will always be in here ",I said.
"I will miss you every day ,every second of my time there , see you", he said.
I controlled my tears , he nodded and signed me to smile and I smiled at him, he left the airport entrance and gone inside the airport.
I couldn't control my tears now , I just broke down and ran towards my car, driver understood my situation and started driving towards my flat , tears were running down through my cheeks.
I love him , I love him so much and I can't wait to see him back .


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