Oh, But I Kissed Back

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"Your touch like a happy pill,

But still all we do is fear,

What could possibly happen next?"

-Bad Liar, Selena Gomez-

Vincenzo Colombo

As soon as I left the house with my guys behind me, I jumped into my Jeep-- Johnny with me as he watched Jaggar's guy in the back-- while I let Antonio, Marco, Luca, Luigi and Diego, our lead guard, drive in each cars with about six guys with each driver. My own intention-- when all I felt was rage-- was to take our whole and whole Gang to Jaggar's, but angry decisions aren't the best decisions. I need someone to protect my girls too.

So, I left some of my guards with them. And Dahhak also-- but I don't think he's the best help when all he does is run his mouth more than his brain. I can't leave my house and girls to a guy that lost half of his brain cells by talking.

"Dahhak!" I yelled from my Jeep, watching him squint his eyes and scrunch his nose to the strong light of the Sun, before leaving the door step and jogging towards us. When he stood in front of me, he nodded, "Tell the cousins that Mary Jane is on them. They better take care of her-- and tell them if they don't, I'll pamper them very nicely with Johnny's knife." I informed him with a nod. He clapped and jumped backwards, ready to run back but I grabbed ahold of his shirt, pulling him closer and whispering, "And don't get too friendly with people I don't want you to be friendly with."

He laughed, "You mean Stella? I won't. I don't li--"

I cut him off with a warning look, "You know who I'm talking about."

After a while of pretending to be confused, he rolled his eyes, "Alright then!" He huffed dramatically and turned to the other cars, his eyes wandering around, "Where's my boy?"

"I'm here," Antonio raised his hand from the car he was in. Dahhak ran towards him with his signature run-- a very ladylike run-- and grabbed his face, placing a tight kiss on his forehead.

"Bring me food if you come out alive."

"No. Stop, Dahhak, I'm-- Stop kissing me! Vincenzo! Let's leave already!"

"Alright! Whatever..." He trailed off, before looking around and smiling lightly, "But seriously, don't die, y'all." I couldn't help but to raise my eyebrow in amusement at the genuine Dahhak, seeing him not so happy was a bit heart touching. Even for me. And for all the guys in the cars-- seeing as all of them changed their expressions from annoyed and impatient to automatically soft ones.

Huffing, Dahhak crossed his arms and tapped his fingers on his skin. "I'm sorry, man. I can't even try and be funny anymore. Please, don't die."

Nobody spoke, all of them stared in shock at the guy they thought didn't even know how to spell the word 'serious'. Except for Antonio and I, we've seen this side of Dahhak before. Quite a lot actually.

The tension broke when Antonio pushed Dahhak away, gesturing him to walk back inside. With a nod, Dahhak turned to walk away-- passing the car Diego was driving, he threw his arms up in the air, "Go, Diego, go!" And finally, the guys cracked some smiles,

I sighed and started the ignition, gesturing the guys to follow as I started to drive ahead of them-- and then, we were off. But not before hearing Dahhak yell out loud, "MAKE PAPA PROUD!"

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