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Authors note: So people really like my one-shot "Jealousy" so I thought maybe I should make another story related to it since so many people don't like Serena like me ^-^ This is mainly for Purplewolf14 because she inspired me to do it ^-^ Through the whole story its gonna be just in Mistys pov any way I hope you like the story now here's the prologue! Enjoy :)

I do NOT own Pokemon!!!!

Misty pov(for the whole story)

"Look theres Orange"

"Still dying that hair of yours sweetie? I'd give up now"

"Orange-headed whore"

I heard people say all across the halls. Hn. Nothing new I guess, same comments, same people, and same question running through my head.....What did I ever do to them?

Nothing, I thought, reminding myself that I was just that girl. Just the girl the school picked to pick on, hit and abuse.

Ugh, I am useless, I cried as I sat in one of the stalls in the bathroom, absolutely useless.

I just wished everybody would stop.

Later that day~

"Daisy are you sure? I mean Misty has been through so much and-"

I heard Lily softly whisper to Daisy. Panicking I hid behind the kitchen wall, listening to my sisters.

"No! We're moving and that's final! Look I know Misty's best friends are there but she's being bullied! She just got kicked yesterday for pete's sake! I am not gonna send MY little sister to that school any longer! If Rudy and Zoey were really her 'best friends' they would stick up for her instead of sucking eachothers face!" Daisy made a look of disgust, "Plus I've heard Kanto High is one of the best highschools there are, no bullying and you get to live on campus....Misty will be fine i just know it...." I saw my eldest sister crack, finally breaking down and crying on Lily and Violet.

"We're moving?" I whispered, finally  coming out and getting there attention. I had heard the whole thing and just stood there wanting to break down crying but I knew I couldn't because my sisters were right there.

It was true. I wanted to leave Ceruluen High, but he was there. I loved him, I loved Rudy Lanson, but I knew we could never be......he's my 'best friend' and plus he's dating Zoey.

"Misty..." Daisy turned to face me shock writtin on her face, " I.....I'm sorry.....but...please Misty....please're unhappy there" Daisy came over to hug me but I jumped away.


"Misty, were moving, ok? Now go pack your bags, you can call Rudy and Zoey on your phone and if they care, they'll come," I looked up at Daisy seeing her hardened face. She knows. She knows I love Rudy. "Misty you got one hour, go start packing" I heard Violet whisper. I nodd, and run up stairs.

Why.....Why me?

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