Chapter 2

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A/N: So Im really sorry if the story is moving slow I promise it gets better and better!! Enjoy :)

"MISTY! GET UP YOU START SCHOOL TODAY AND YOU DONT WANT TO BE LATE!" My eldest sister Daisy yelled from downstairs.



I had just woke up and picked my outfit for my first day of Kanto High. My hair was long and loose, I wore a black tank top under my blue cut of t-shirt that says 'water pokemon rule' with my light blue skinny jeans and black vans.

I had gotton a completely new wardrobe before I left Ceruluen, complements of Daisy, so I was still adjusting.

At least she didn't make me wear make up, thank Arceus, I thought.

Once I put on my new Vans I walked in front of my mirror to see how I looked.

Wow i look so....girly. I hate it. I smiled, despite the fact that I hate girly things, I looked nice. Satisfied, I grabbed my Pokeballs and suitcases and went downstairs to see my Sisters.


"Hey Daisy" I said as I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a peice of toast from her plate.

"Hey Mist, you want some toast? No? Ok then ill take that" Daisy said snatching her toast back.

"I was about to eat that..." I muttered.

"So was I" Daisy smirked and took a bite.

"Fine I'll just eat at school" I sighed in defeat,"So when are we gonna leave? It's 8:00 school starts at 8:10 I don't wanna miss much...."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Daisy raised an eyebrow,"You know im not driving you to school right?"

"What?!? Then who is?!?" I asked scared a little, already knowing the answer.

"Who else? Lily and Violet, duh!"

"What....Daisy no, please no! ANYONE but them!!! Please im desprete! Their awful at driving!" I pleaded.

"Sorry Misty but they called it, plus it will be good for you, ok? You haven't spent time with them in a long time and there gonna miss you" She was right....but still it wasn't her LIFE on the line,"Dont worry Misty, there just gonna sign you in and bid goodbyes, alright?" Daisy said squeezing me tight.

I hugged her back and said ok. She was right. Lily, Violet and I haven't really spent some good time together in a LONG time and even if it is just ten minutes, it's worth it.

"OH MISTY!! TIME TO GO!!!" I hear Lily and Violet shout from upstairs.

I let go of Daisy to see them running down the stairs, grabbing my stuff and calling back,"Meet you in the car!"



I guess they DO wanna spend time with me or they just really want me to leave.

"They do love you Mist, they do" Daisy said reading my mind.

"Yeah, they do" I said thoughtfully.

"Yep," Daisy smiled,"You should go, their waiting for you."

"Yah, I love you Daisy"

"I love you too Mist, take care of yourself alright?"

She smiled at me in sympathy. Shes worried. I can see it in her eyes....but why? Why is she more worried then I am? Im the one who got beat, kicked and abused. I should be worried, not.

"I promise Sis" I gave her one last bug hug.

"Wait!!" Daisy called.


"You have Togepi and the others right?"

"Sure do, Togepi is in her ball resting, they all are."

"Good, bye kiddio!"

"Bye Daisy!!"

Now that I think about it, Im happy we moved.....the pain will slowly go away and I get a fresh new start and hopfully some friends. Yeah....i have nothing to be worried about! I hope... I thought. I held my head up through the whole car ride, enjoying the talks with my sisters and emmbarising comments, all while thinking about my new school....Kanto High.

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