Chapter 10

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"Your dead."

I stood frightened behind a table trying to get away from a VERY pissed off Dawn.

"Dawn! Wait! It's not what it seems like!!" Sapph said protecting me from Dawn.

"Stay out of this Sapph!!" Dawn slashed at her,"This doesn't concern you!"

"It does if you mess with MY new friend Dawn!!" Sapphire retorted. "Now will you CHILL THE FUCK OUT AND LET HER EXSPLAIN!!"

Ouch. I've never heard Sapphire yell THAT loud before so it sent a shiver down my spine as I stepped back even more. Lesson of the day number 1: Never be out at night with Paul, you'll be accused of having sex with him. And number 2: NEVER get Sapph mad.

I stared at Dawn, seeing she calmed down a bit but was still angry. She glared at me.

"Well? Sapphire just said you have a explanation, so exsplain!" Dawn crossed her arms and continued her glare on me. I shifted, uncomfortable and looked at Sapph for help. She nodded at me.

"Dawn, I said chill, so do it."

"I am!! Why are you taking her side?!" Dawn spat at Sapphire. this the REAL Dawn Berlitez? A spoiled brat who yells at her friends when she doesn't get what she wants? This is not Dawn, not the one I met. It can't be.

"Thats it!!" Sapphire got in Dawns face,"Shut up!! Your hurting one of your good friends for what? A guy? Well guess what Dawn! I like Paul too! But do you see me hurting Misty for it?!? Do you?!? She didn't do shit!! And you'd know that if you just fucking listend, Im done talking to you Dawn, get out."


"Get the fuck out of my Cafe, Dawn! Now." Sapphire yelled at her. The fury in her eye's as I watched her tell Dawn to leave. It kinda scared me.

Dawn calmed down and started walking out but before she did she turned to me and mouthed 'sorry', I looked away. I-I...I'm not gonna forgive her, not yet.

"You ok?" Sapphire asked once Dawn was gone.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Dawn's gone, you don't have to keep this protective shield with me around,  Misty. Im not gonna hurt you."

"I know, sorry" I muttered.

"You'll have to face her sometime..."

"I know, and I will....just not now. You scared the shit out of her Sapph, thats all. She's still mad" I said.

"Yeah....Ummm, Paul and May are coming..." I looked over and sure enough Paul and May were outside walking closer and closer to the Cafe.

"I guess if Im gonna face Dawn I better face them first..."

"Hey Misty? You know that I have your back a hundred percent, but this ain't my fight. If you need me I'll be in the kitchen" Sapph smiled at me and left.

"Thanks Sapph!" I called. She turned around and gave me a thumbs up.

I gave her a thumbs up back and looked towards the entrance Paul and May were about to enter. Oh boy...why couldn't my life be drama free?

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