Chapter 12

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"So this is how it was just after Paul left to find you..." May said.

Flashback to Friday at Midnight Burn~
Nobody's point of view (In flashbacks that aren't Mistys, thats the only time im gonna make it nobody's POV)

"Well lets hope Paul finds Mist soon...if not she might not want to be friends with us again..." Ash mutterd watching Paul leave.

"Who cares if she comes back or not? She's just a runt we met a week ago"  Serena huffed.

"Shut up Serena! We want her to come back!" Leaf said

"Leaf, you shouldn't be talking. You were the one who got her upset and made her leave. So I'd shut up if I were you." Gary voice in.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Save it for someone who cares."

"Gary....shut.the.hell.up." May shouted at them,"All of you! If you don't like Misty, then leave! But imagine not gonna sit here and listen to y'all trash eachother and Misty!"

Serena smirked,"Ok then, bye! Come on Leaf!"

"Serena!" Ash's eye's widened.

"Yes Ashy?"

"You like Misty though....right?"

"No, I hate her. She's a bitch, Ashy!" Serena fake whined.

"W-What?! No she's not! Why would you say something like that?" Ash shook his head, stunned at his girlfriends words.

"Because she's trying to steal you from me! I don't like that stuiped ass bitch. Come on Ashy! Come with me and Leaf!"

"Woah, who said Leaf was gonna go?" May stepped in,"She's not going anywhere with you."

"Shut up May, go cuddle with your fake ass boyfriend" Serena smirked.

"Excuse you?" May raised her eyebrow,"The only reason you have a boyfriend is because your a whiney bitch and Ash is to nice to say no to a slut like you."

"Well at least my boyfriend isn't dating me out of pity!"

"Uhh, he kinda is Serena!" May growled.

"Whatever May! Come on Ashy, you too Leaf. Lets ditch these losers"


"LEAF!" May screamed.

"No Serena, you and Leaf can go. Im staying."


"Serena, if you leave, were over"  Ash said.

"Ashy....don't do this, come with us! Aren't we more important then that bitch!" Serena grabbed Ashes hand.

"Serena, you got one second. Choose." Ash pulled his hand away and stood up, towering over Serena.


"Serena, choose. Now."

"I guess were over...bye Ashy. Come on Leaf" Serena sighed walking away. Ash nodded and grabbed his hat, covering his face.

"Your a bitch, Ash. All of you. Wait Serena!" Leaf glared at all of them before running after Serena.

"Wait, Leaf!" May called, but it was too late.

Leaf was gone.

~End of flashback(now its Mistys POV, for forever!!)

".....And that's what happened." May finished.

"Woah...I-I....Im sorry May" I looked down. It was my fault. All my fault.

"Its fine, it wasn't your fault," I snorted,"It wasn't Mist! And don't ever think it was, got it?"

I nodded and May smiled.

"Good" May said.



"What did Serena mean? When she said, Well at least my boyfriend isn't dating me out of pity!" I mimicked Serenas annoying, high voice.

May laughed,"Honestly, I don't know. Im still wondering that myself...she probably lied. Drew loves me, I know that. But still....something about what she said DOES bother me..."

"Yeah, me too. Will figure this out May, come on."

"Were are we going?"

"To find Leaf, dummy!" I smiled.

"Hehe...sorry. Let's go!" May grabbed my hand as we left Sapphires Cafe. I turned around and saw Sapphire smiling. She was still in the Cafe but you can see her smile a mile away.

Thanks Sapph your the best....

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