Chapter 7

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Exiting in the back of the girls Dormitory I started looking around for any sign of Leaf or the others.

I was determined to find Leaf and apologize. I had to clear this up!! I just had to think....tonight was Friday so they must be at Midnight Burn! Dawn told me all about how every Friday night the group would go there just to hang, dance, talk and have fun. Now, if I can only remember where she said it was.....

"Hey Mist, later the group is going to Midnight Burn, wanna come?" Dawn asked me.

"Sure, but what's Midnight Burn?"

"Oh it's this cool restaurant we have on campus! Everyone goes there, it's the spot to just chill and have fun. Its behind the school so to get there you go out that back door through the girls dormitory and it's a little ways down, next to Sapphires Cafe, on the left.

Yes!! I remembered! Dawn I owe you SO much! So let's see Im already behind the all I have to do is find Sapphires-

"Ouch!" I shouted, bumping into someone.

"Watch it!!"

"Paul?" I recognised his voice.

"Misty? What are you doing out here?" He grunted.

"Im fine, thanks for the help." I sarcastically muttered back, still on the ground.

"You never answered my question."

"I don't see the rule that says I have too" I shot back.


I sighed. At this rate I'll never find Leaf. "I came outside looking for Leaf, now can you tell me where she is I need to talk to her!" I hoped up waiting for him to respond. He never did, just gave me a blank look.

"Why?" Paul asked me.

"I wanted to apologize."

"Why? You did nothing" He glared at the ground.

"Paul....How long have you known Leaf?" I said crossing my arms.

"Four years" I heard him say quietly.

"Paul...Im not saying it's my fault I know its not, but in the four years you've known Leaf.....have you ever known her to act like that? Paul, she was jealous. Thats all, and she took it out on me."



"Whatever, I still don't get why YOU want to apologize, but I'll take you to them." Paul huffed and started walking. Satisfied, I walked quietly a little ways behind him.

We walked in silence, of course. I was to busy fighting the question that threatend to come out of my mouth. I HATED silence, and I had a question he was gonna answer. By force or not.

"Paul can I ask you something?" I jogged up to him, so I could look at him.

"Hn" Im guessing that's was a yes. It better be.

"What were you doing out here?"

"Looking for you."

"Why?" I snorted.

"The group was worried. Ash was the first volunteer, but Serenas there and she wouldn't let him go. Then May, but Drew ruled all girls stay because of how late it was. Gary's working, he has a shift there tonight, so everyone ruled me." He told me, with a monotone voice.

"Oh well.....thanks" I mutterd.

"Hn.....there, thats it" He pointed at the big flashy building,"Lets go."

I nodded and ran up to the building, opening the door and walking inside.

Woah. It was big to say the least and sparkly too. There was a disco in the middle of the floor and everyone was dancing, except my friends. Ash, May, Drew, Dawn and Gary were all sitting at a table. No mouths moving, no eating and no dancing. They were just sitting there. I rushed to the table with Paul right behind, slamming into May and Dawn squeezing them in a hug.

"Misty.....? MISTY!!" May and Dawn hugged me back with just as much strenth. I was so happy to see everyone again.

"Ew May, your sticky and wet..what happened? Where's Leaf?" I asked May. Letting go of them I sat at the table next to Paul. I looked over to see Ash staring at me, with a weird look on his face. So was Gary.

"She left with Serena, a hour ago." May glared at Gary and Ash.

"W-What happend....?" I shook my head. Someone like Leaf, left with Serena. Ditched her friends, BEST FRIENDS. For Serena. What the hell?

"Paul, were sorry we made you get Misty for nothing, but Im going back to the dorms. I've had a long day and all I wanna do is sleep" May got up and half hugged Drew,"Goodnight Drew" I saw May try to let go, but Drew was still hugging her. Why did she want to get away from Drew? She loved him.

"I love you, May. Do you need me to come with you?"

They stayed like that for a moment until May finally pulled away from his grip.

"No I'll be fine, goodnight."

"May Ill go with you!! It's to dark to be going out there by yourself!" I stopped her and grabbed her hand, despite the stickiness. She gave me a half smile.

"Ok...lets go, bye guys" Everyone exchanged goodbyes and we left supporting eachother back to the dorms.

Whatever Serena did....she's going to pay. I looked at May and frowned. She was so vulnerable....I knew she could protect herself but whatever happened left scares on her. And that will forever haunt the both of us.

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