Chapter 13

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"So where do you think Leaf could be?" I asked May.

We left Sapph's Cafe about a hour ago and still no sign of Leaf. I was starting to wonder if she was even ON campus! We searched everywhere, top and bottom, and still no Leaf, but May and I were determained to find her and nothing was gonna stop us.

"Well...there is one more place Leaf could be that we haven't checked yet....." May said.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Where is it? What is it?" I rushed May. She looked at me and sweatdropped.

"Mist, I don't think you should come with me on this one.." May twirled her hair, nervously.

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Leaf is with Serena now, we know that. Well...I got to know Serena a little to.....much this year due to her dating Ash. There's a place she always goes too, she might be there. Then again she likes alot of places...." May rambled on and on.

"May, I dont care where it is, just spit it out" I interrupted her.

"It may be a little to....girly for your liking...." She trailed off.

"I don't care! Say it May!"

"......Beauty Parlor....."


I laughed, hoping she was playing a sick joke on me or something.

She wasn't.

"Beauty parlor...." I repeated. Ok, so maybe I did care a bit. Oh Arceus, of ALL THE PLACES! Why did it HAVE to be there?

Leaf is worth it, I told myself, shaking my head. It doesn't matter.

Leaf is worth it.

Leaf is worth it.

Leaf is worth it!!

I kept repeating those four words in my head. Over and over again I repeated,

Leaf is worth it.

Until finally, I believed it. I cared about Leaf, despite the short time knowing her she was my friend and I was gonna be there for her. Dawn too, oh was I gonna ever face her? I knew it wasn't my fault, she blew up and started assuming things, but still. Dawn and I got really close over the week I've been here, and I really didn't want to change that. Even if she did go into monster mode on me.

"Misty...?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to May who was sending me a worried glance.

I forced a smile,"May, Leafs my friend. I'll do anything for her, any of you. Even if that means going into that place I really don't like." I said, wincing ever so slightly.

"Your amazing Mist, you know that?"

" me May, I didn't have to do this kinda thing at my old school, so I'm still new at it." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh? Were your friend's 'drama free' or something?" May joked.

I paused, breathless. Friends...drama...I didn't have that at my old school. Sure I had Zoey and Rudy but we didn't hang out that much. They only hanged out with me if no one was around, which at the time was better then nothing.

"Y-Yeah...!" I stutterd out,"That's it! They weren't really into the....crazy stuff."

"You haven't really talked to me about your old friend's, you know? What are they like?"

My eyes widened, I walked at a quicker pace, trying to think of a cover up.

"Uhhh....wait up, Misty!" May shouted. She caught up with me and we walked in silence.

"O-Oh....sorry May I just...really wanna find Leaf!" I laughed nervously.

"Oh ok! Yeah, me too."

I stood a little taller, finally glad May dropped the subject. May and I walked together, her leading and me following.

We walked in silence for about ten minutes, until May's phone went off.

"Hello? Oh are? Well were out looking for Leaf right now......yes she is....I don't know why don't you ask her!......Well that's not my problem is it?!......Look give us twenty-five minutes and then will meet you there.......yes I promise!......Ok bye."

I raised my eyebrows, mentally asking her who she was talking too.

"It's a secret" She replied, winking at me.

I nodded and we kept walking in silence. I didn't even know where we were headed but it didn't seem like we were getting any closer.


"Yes Mist?"

" you think Dawn and I will be friends again?"

"Misty, of course I do. Dawn she's.....she's in love with Paul and well....jealousy must have got the better of her. Im sorry."

"Yeah, I guess your right May. It's just..."

"It's just......?" May pressed on.

"Dawn and I.....we got really close since I'd been here.....I really trust her or at least I thought I did. I don't want our friendship to end now. Then theirs Leaf..." I trailed off.

Friend.....something I never had, and now that I have some, I'll do whatever it takes to keep them.

"Maybe you don't have too" The sincerity and honesty I heard in May's voice made me give her a skeptical look.

"Loose Dawn, I mean! I can't really voice my opinion on Leaf..." I nodded and May continued,"She's a good person, I swear! It may not seem like it now but her intentions are pure."

I scoffed slightly and May furrowed her eyebrows. We had stopped walking and sat down on some nearby benches. I stared at May and the Purple and Blue colors behind her. Wait....purple and blue.....

"You don't belive me? She is! She just doesn't have the right attitude when it comes to Gary she....Misty? Pay attention! Why dont you belive me?" May asked.

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"Look." I pointed behind her and she turned around, gasping at the sight.

There was Dawn and Paul, making out.

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